Proud Father . . .

My daughter is in Grade 10. She has always had a knack for drawing, with a particular interest in anime (Japanese cartoons). She applied to join the Regional Arts Program when she entered High School a year and a half ago. She was rejected, in part we are told, because her portfolio contained a few selected anime drawings that she was proud of. Needless to say she was very upset by the rejection. I told her at that time that she had two choices. She could allow someone else's beliefs about what constituted "art" to stop her from achieving her dreams, or she could persevere, and succeed without their support.

Fast forward to the past week, and more specifically to today: She was called into the office to discuss her courses for next term. They wanted to know if she would like to change her course selections to include PARTICIPATION IN THE REGIONAL ARTS PROGRAM. It is felt that her talent would be better developed by taking part in this program, as the skill she has demonstrated to date more than warrants her inclusion. While I am still annoyed that it took them so long to correct the mistake, I am extremely proud of my daughter for forcing them to do so. She gets her talent from her Mom, but she gets her obstinancy from me.


  • very well played sir!
  • I did not do anything except lay out her options. She did this all on her own, which is why my chest is a bit puffy.
  • I agree its very special of her....i would applaud you for not discouraging her let alone encouraging her....
  • Wetts is her new favourite Forum member . . .
  • Mazel tov to Milo jr. Well done.

    The most successful people in life tend to be the ones that reject rejection and, as proud papa says, persevere.
  • Everyone faces rejection at some time or another. It's what we do in spite of rejection that makes us stronger. Hell, I wouldn't have met my fiance if my previous track record with women (ie much rejection) had held me back from approaching this attractive asian stranger on the streets of Montreal.
    So kudos to Milo for being the sage father and helping Miloette(?) persevere and overcome her obstacles to continue doing what she loves. Your story made my day.
  • Weird that anime is drawn by young girls...oh, that's different than the anime on my computer.
  • Good for her!!
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