Can you hear this sound?

I always thought that teenaged/young adult brains were "different" but it wasn't until my daughter (who's 23 and who studied neurology) directed me to the site linked below that I knew for sure.

Now, when the volume on the computer is jacked to max, I too can hear a very faint sound but apparently it's almost painful for those under, say 25 (but a 30 year old that I work with claimed she could hear the noise to the extent that it was almost painful for her).

If this has been posted before, sorry & delete at will.

The Teenager Audio Test - Can you hear this sound? - The Oatmeal


  • I heard it . . . very faint, and not very annoying. Was expecting something different. Daughter heard it too . . . she said it was annoying.
  • Ouch, painful at half volume.
  • Wierd I heard a humming from the web link but could not hear the mp3 file.
  • Didn't hear it on the website but heard it clearly when I downloaded the sound. Kind of what I assume a dog whistle sounds like.
  • There's an iPhone app for that
  • yeah, I heard it and didn't like it much at all. quite a bit older than a teenager
  • I heard it and felt a lot of pressure on my eardrums when I turned it on, pretty uncomfortable <.<
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