How to get more profit....

I think i played this wrong and maybe coulda made some more money out of it what do you guys think?

Game Started on Mon Jan 31, 2005 @ 20:54
Destiny - Holdem - NL 50 - Real Money - Hand #56474972

**Hand #56474972 begins**
Firestopper receives the dealer button
4ever3 posts small blind 1
Krazytxan posts big blind 1
You are dealt[Ad,As]
Klutch85 folds
girots folds
novacar folds
DIABLO3 calls 1
Blazer805 calls 1
Kozak folds
Firestopper raises 4
4ever3 folds
Krazytxan folds
DIABLO3 calls 3
Blazer805 calls 3
Flop is dealt [Ac,Ah,9d]
DIABLO3 checks
Blazer805 checks
Firestopper checks
Turn is dealt [Js]
DIABLO3 checks
Blazer805 checks
Firestopper bets 2
DIABLO3 raises 4
Blazer805 folds
Firestopper calls 2
River is dealt [Qc]
DIABLO3 checks
Firestopper bets 6
DIABLO3 folds
Firestopper shows four of a kind Aces
Firestopper's pocket cards were [Ad,As]
Firestopper wins $21 real money from main pot
**Hand #56474972 ends**

All suggestions critisisms welcome :)


  • Perhaps do a small reraise of the opponents raise on the turn (though his raise could have been a feeler raise and he may have folded fast regardless) and also hope that person somehow has a hand of K 10, 99, JJ or QQ ;). Hard to really imagine any other hand giving you any action unless the opponent is a maniac.
  • with two aces showing its hard to get action. to me it looked like u played slow enough to draw him in. I think an earlier raise could have gone either way. Nice hand
  • Heres your suggestion:

    It doesn't really matter how you play quads. They happen so infrequently that they are not your primary source of profit at the poker table. Focus on better play in the more common situations and you'll get more profit.
  • I agree with BBC ... lol and I'm admitting it!!!! Quads are rarely going to make money or even happen.

    That being said quad Aces through Jacks are even less likely (than say quad Ducks) to get paid off since most oppenents are much more willing to give credit for you having at least one A-J in your hand.
  • Actually i think something like a weak lead into the pot on the flop, the min $1 or $2 would be a good move. It would look like you're poking around to figure out where you're at cause you didn't like that flop.

    If you lose everyone at this point no one has anything. On the turn i don't even bet because at this point i need someone else to take the initiative. Plus by putting out a small bet on the flop and not following up on the turn, it's hard to put you on an ace, let alone two of them.

    Then you have to hope to generate some action on the river, something like 1/3 of the pot sort of a steal size bet but one that is definitaly callable.
  • you got a decent amount out of it, unless someone is in there with a full ,you aren't likely to get much more. You mustve loved getting raised on the turn.
  • If you consistently play flopped quads (or similar monsters) with an identical betting pattern that you use when attempting to pick up pots with complete rags, your opponents are screwed.

    Think beyond outcomes of single hands in NL.

  • Slowplaying is a thing of the past. Too many players know the game these days.
    You will simply make more in the long run playing the same aggressive style you have been all day.
    It makes ZERO sense to all of a sudden slow down when you flop a miracle that can not be caught up to. Any decent player knows the slow play trap and will not fall for your slow play.
    Specifically, betting out on an AAx flop, in my opinion, will MOST times lead the other players to not give respect for an Ace, they expect people to slow play. Also since you raised it up before the flop it becomes that much more obvious that a check is a slowplay.

    Its like in limit poker when you flop a hand in the BB. Lets say you call a raise out of the BB with a hand like 76s, since the raiser already has a cold caller behind him and a few who have limped in front, you call. You know you are going to see the flop 5 handed with a nice multi-way hand for one extra small bet.
    Please do yourself a favour. When the flop comes out 6K6 do not check! The pot will be much bigger when it gets shipped to you. When you bet out, you will not be given credit for the 6. On the other hand the all familiar check-call, check-raise approach that everyone seems to use today is an obvious 6. A flat call on the flop alone will scare the good players, always bet out in these situations.
    Low limit players maybe dont worry about this, but if you are playing for real money and want to make as much as possible, I suggest giving these little things a test.
  • With that flop, you were quite lucky u got money @ all. Still got an extra $4 on the turn!
  • Last night I had KJ in EP and limped. Me vs. the blinds. Flop was JJx. Checked to me, I made a standard bet, and took it down.

    Despite that, I think you make a good point Kev. I play monsters more or less the same as bluffs, and I hope that observant opponents will notice this. If I don't think they're noticing this, I'll show my cards sometimes. Once in a casino limit game I raised pre-flop with TT and got one caller. Flop: TTx. I bet, he folded. I showed my quads, and some guy started basically telling me that I won the minimum, and should have checked at least the flop to let the other guy catch something. I responded that I raised preflop, and a check on the flop looks much stronger than a bet. Basically, I'd bet at this flop in this spot with any two cards, every time.

    I don't think he got the point, but oh well.

    A well-disguised slowplay can be effective at times, though. Like, when you don't suddenly shift from being the aggressor to a passive check-and-call player mid-hand. If you hit a flop hard and there's a lot of action around you, slowplaying at least the flop isn't necessarily a bad idea, IMO.
  • all_aces wrote:
    A well-disguised slowplay can be effective at times, though. Like, when you don't suddenly shift from being the aggressor to a passive check-and-call player mid-hand. If you hit a flop hard and there's a lot of action around you, slowplaying at least the flop isn't necessarily a bad idea, IMO.

    I completely agree with this, if people are betting in to your monster, you don't want to raise them out of the pot. If there's no action though, i usually throw bets out no matter what, people that play with me often know i'll bet at anything anyway.
  • I responded that I raised preflop, and a check on the flop looks much stronger than a bet. Basically, I'd bet at this flop in this spot with any two cards, every time.

    Any reason you felt like educating the table? That's a no-no.
  • Very true. I think the point I wanted to get across to them was that I would bet any two cards in that spot--big hands, small hands, it doesn't matter, call and find out.

    Also, I am not above getting all defensive when someone makes a stupid comment about my play at the tables. I am only human, but I am working on that. :wink:
  • all_aces wrote:
    Also, I am not above getting all defensive when someone makes a stupid comment about my play at the tables. I am only human, but I am working on that. :wink:
    I knew it ... you are a bot, that's the only way to explain how many posts you and scotty post ... someone modified a spam-bot into a forum-bot (with the optional pot odds add-on)
  • I'm working on turning the humour factor up from a six to an eight. I hope you all appreciate the effort.
  • you are a bot, that's the only way to explain how many posts you and scotty post ...

    If I was a bot, I surely would have crashed by now.


    P.S. I'm not a bot. And I'm definitely not the bot who's rigging various online sites so that a lot of bad players are losing money at online poker and can't figure out why. If you think otherwise, you'll be getting a little bit of #!/usr/bin/perl my @kicking_your_butt = glob(your_files.*); delete_files(@kicking_your_butt);. Ninja style.
    System Failure: Abort, Retry, Fail?
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    If I was a bot, I surely would have crashed by now.


    P.S. I'm not a bot. And I'm definitely not the bot who's rigging various online sites so that a lot of bad players are losing money at online poker and can't figure out why. If you think otherwise, you'll be getting a little bit of #!/usr/bin/perl my @kicking_your_butt = glob(your_files.*); delete_files(@kicking_your_butt);. Ninja style.
    System Failure: Abort, Retry, Fail?

    Wow, besides the fake delete_files function, that bit of Perl code almost works =)

  • djw wrote:
    Wow, besides the fake delete_files function, that bit of Perl code almost works =)


    It's a subroutine elsewhere in the code. ;)

  • Does every thread need to get hijacked onto a nonsensical topic around here?

    There is the offtopic lounge for you guys to do your man flirting to your hearts content.
  • There is the offtopic lounge for you guys to do your man flirting to your hearts content.
    That's HOT! But let's face it, nobody really reads the off-topic section.
  • all_aces wrote:
    That's HOT! But let's face it, nobody really reads the off-topic section.


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