My worst "beat" ever....

I dont know if this qualifies as a "bad beat" but it sure as hell hurt like one, I wish I had the hand history for it.

I'm playing 3/6 limit and get dealt 99 UTG at a 6 person table. I limp in, and 4 of us see the flop unraised. Flop comes *something<5*, 7, 8 rainbow (can't remember exactly) so I've got an overpair. I bet, next person calls, then raised, call, I call, one guy folds. So it's down to 3 of us. Turn comes 9. I'm jumping for joy, the only thing that worries me is a 10 J, but i'm not toooo worried based on my knowledge of the players and how it has played out so far. We cap betting on the turn. Now I'm praying for the board to pair to eliminate my straight scare. River comes another 7. I'm loving it. We cap the river betting as well, so there's alot of money in the pot, 3 of us capping turn and river, well over $100 anyway and I've got the best full house!

Showdown: One guy shows 88 for a full house, I show 99 for a bigger full house, other guy shows 77 for quad 7s......

I almost died.

I had set over set over set and I lost to the one outer on the river. Sorry for this, but I needed to vent my sadness.....


  • Capped on the turn 3 ways, with 5,7,8,9 staring you all in the face? I wouldn't think any of your sets would be good, I would think " I need help".
  • less than a 5 i said, not a 5 i cant remember what it was but it was a 2, 3 or 4
  • ok....worst beats. My most recent LIVE BEAT....was in a 5/10/20 (forced straddle) Pot Limit Dealers Choice game.....

    The choice was omaha:
    I blocked my specific hand from my memory...all I remember is I was the straddler and I flopped a set of kings with the flop being K92 (5 players in)
    I bet pot and get 3 callers
    Turn comes J I am second to act now....and I check....button bets 75% of pot (known cannon ball type player....loose and bets for fun :) ) ......small blind calls, I call and the other guy mind is on flush draw on turn.
    River comes J - first to act bets 90% of pot.....Im next....I raise twice his bet, the player beind me says "crap she has it....Im no good" and folds (now I think he has mucked J9 or something) player folds and the original bettor pushes all in (only like $300 more because he was short stacked)

    I throw up on the table and walk away when I see his quads.....and no he didn't have QJJ10 or any str8 draw on the flop. All in all the hand cost me $1400 (give or take a few pennies).
  • BTW the jerk who made the comment on the river mucked 99...clearly not a jack as I soon found out.
  • I dont know if this qualifies as a "bad beat" but it sure as hell hurt like one, I wish I had the hand history for it.

    I'm playing 3/6 limit and get dealt 99 UTG at a 6 person table. I limp in, and 4 of us see the flop unraised. Flop comes *something<5*, 7, 8 rainbow (can't remember exactly) so I've got an overpair. I bet, next person calls, then raised, call, I call, one guy folds. So it's down to 3 of us. Turn comes 9. I'm jumping for joy, the only thing that worries me is a 10 J, but i'm not toooo worried based on my knowledge of the players and how it has played out so far. We cap betting on the turn. Now I'm praying for the board to pair to eliminate my straight scare. River comes another 7. I'm loving it. We cap the river betting as well, so there's alot of money in the pot, 3 of us capping turn and river, well over $100 anyway and I've got the best full house!

    Showdown: One guy shows 88 for a full house, I show 99 for a bigger full house, other guy shows 77 for quad 7s......

    I almost died.

    I had set over set over set and I lost to the one outer on the river. Sorry for this, but I needed to vent my sadness.....
    that sucks :frown:
    which poker room? :confused:
  • that sucks :frown:
    which poker room? :confused:

    'twas a Prima room, Royal Vegas
  • 'twas a Prima room, Royal Vegas
    never played there...but i don't think i like RVP :tongue:
  • everytime something like this happens to me, i always wonder what Mike Sexton and Vince Van Patten would say while the hand is progressing and they are looking at the hole cards. I imagine them flipping their wigs on this one.
  • Both hands would qualify for the Van Pattenism "oh....this is a train wreck ..."
  • This wouldn't qualify for any jackpots..but I had an ugly one last weekend..

    Live, home tourney. 10 man.. 7 left, i'm chipleader with about 3.5k

    50-100 blinds, i open raise to 400 w/ AJo in mid,
    laggy guy in mid 9with about 1500), reckless..pushes a lot of people out of pots min raises, all fold,
    i think about pushing, but just call

    flop comes AJ4r. I check, he pushes, I call with T2. He turns over K7h for K high, backdoor flush draw. Hits 2 running kings.

    I wasn't myself after that hand ;)
  • Yeah it was really funny when i dealt that out hehe

    Wow, its so funny because we both knew archie was going to bluff at it and you'd call in a heartbeat with a strong Ace, possibly 2 pair.......that was a brutal beat..
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