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Being a girl in a poker room.....
I think you should consider having a girl write what it is like being in a poker room...both online and live. I have been playing just over 2 years and have found that being female has had alot of advantages. Any ideas on that?
I think you should consider having a girl write what it is like being in a poker room...both online and live. I have been playing just over 2 years and have found that being female has had alot of advantages. Any ideas on that?
She said something to the effect of....there are two types of men that smart women will make money off. There are the players that check to you to be a gentleman and nice, let you in with cheap draws and then there are those that have all the testosterone and will call you down and try to raise you out of pots. Its a beautiful thing...because even when I have pointed it out....it still happens!
I've had guys actually tell me their cards when they thought they had me beat so I wouldn't lose any more money on a hand. I've had guys muck to no bet, to let me win a hand.
At the Orleans in Vegas they have tournament bounties - you get $5 for every player you bust out. I've had guys that were short stacked bust out in a hand with me - just so the bounty would go "to the little lady."
If they want to think I'm a bimbo who doesn't know a flush from a straight - cool - I'm in. Sometimes playing dumb is the smartest move I can make.
If I get under their skin because they don't believe I belong at the table, I will do my utmost to irritate them.
So as long as guys want to think women are different than men at the table, I will take advantage. Like I said, I'm a poker player.
First of all, the women poker players I've generally played against seem to be distributed bimodally in skill. That is, they are (again, generally) either very good players or very bad players. This is absolutely not meant as some sort of cutdown--- I'd put the majority of the female poker players I've played against myself in the "very good" category.
For the third time I'm going to emphasize that I'm generalizing. My take is that women either take the game of poker pretty much 100% seriously, or not at all. There are quite a few men who are, for whatever reasons, willing to take a half-hearted approach (but are at least still trying somewhat) to learning poker. Women on the other hand, seem to either concentrate fully on the game and learn it very well, or are content to not learn the game much at all (possibly they are just playing for fun and/or to gamble).
As for the attitude that women "do not belong" at a poker table, this is completely ridiculous. If Amy C and others know how to take advantage of male players with this kind of attitude, more power to them. These players deserve to lose.
Women playing poker is a great thing. And not specifically because they are women. Lots of people playing poker is the great thing. TJ Cloutier once said something like "There's room for everybody [at the poker table]."
To me, when the hand is on all my opponents are just players. The witty old geezer in seat 5 is just UTG, and the hot poker babe in seat 6 is just UTG + 1. Let's play.
For those of you who say you play women players as just a player...you are clearly better than me. I HATE WOMEN AT THE POKER TABLE....it is a luxury I like to keep for myself. Some of the casinos think they are so kind and run 'ladies only' events for tournaments...I avoid these like the plague. I tend to enjoy tables with macho men who want to 'put me in my place', anyone who knows me knows I can handle myself.
Thanks all_aces....I never knew he resigned...thought about writing an article but I really don't have enough experience (just a couple years so far...and only just moved up limits in the last 7-8 months)....and don't want to make an ass of myself nationwide!!!!
If you change your mind, you know how to reach them.
Hey everyone....my sister (Eiranada) just won a 6000 player freeroll!!! I actually played the final table for her because she had to go to basketball but she did all the work! Go girls!!! Man was that final table ever soft though....too bad it isn't like that in cash games!
On the other hand, I like playing with women. As a generalization, your average poker woman smells a lot more pleasant than your average poker man. Sometimes it's close, but I will generally play the odds on this one.
I never think of a women at my table in terms of quality of play just because they are a woman and they will not affect how I play. Annie Duke would be a whole different story. However my fault in terms of affecting my play is the whole skateboarder and young punk look! I have to find a way to get passed that and let it not affect my play. There is something about a 20 year old with his hood up, glasses on, and a cocky attitude that make me want to clean the floor with them!
1. i DISLIKE women at the table because i cant talk about women. i cant talk about amazing farts i let last week, and i cant talk about all the shit us guys usually talk about at the table.
2. I LIKE women at the table because it's usually easy money. i make it seem as if i am one of those assholes they love to sucker out of their money so much. i play the reverse roll on them. make it seem as if i am trying to be macho and push them out of the pot, when actually i am the one with the nuts (no pun intended). i will take your money no matter what gender you are. i feel no shame taking a womans money.
3. I DISLIKE women at the table because it effects the other guys. They arent bringing their A-Game if they are folding to her to be nice.
4. i LOVE women at the table because Women are amazing. they are alot better on the eyes than "Mr. needs-a-shower", smell better than "Mr. Needs-a-shower", and often have better things to say than him too.
5. i REALLY LIKE at the table because women tend to leave emotion out of the game and tend to take beats better than men, which makes them better players. they make ME a better player.
so in general, i welcome women to my table. but make sure you bring enough to re-buy
That settles it. I'm playing poker only with women from now on.
I couldn't agree more. There is nothing worse than some moron who really has nothing remotely intelligent to say..........