Betrthanphil~ Nice work on Most Cashes by A Player stats

So, another shout-out due...

Betrthanphil is tied in 6th for the 2011 WCOOP "Most Cashes by a Player" stats.

Elky, Big_Nemo, Kid Poker, both Lucksacs and UhhMee are all names he is sharing the page with. Considering most of these guys will have played double the events, pretty damn impressive stat.

Best is 17, BTP sits with 9.

Nice work sir!


  • Nice! Grinding at its best! Well done BTP!
  • Nice stat BTP, love to see a Canadian ripping it up like that!
  • well done mate!

    I railed for a little in the ME, will have to check where you finished but you were 70 when the average was 50 at the time. Great to watch.

    ----ME is STILL going? wow that is a hell of a lot of poker
  • ty all! hopefully it will translate into some big winnings next year. Hopefully climb a little more up the player of the series standing too!
    Thx everyone for the rails and support :D
  • ty all! hopefully it will translate into some big winnings next year. Hopefully climb a little more up the player of the series standing too!
    Thx everyone for the rails and support :D
    good fun glgl!
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