Good day

Today was a good day . . . as some of you know, I recently got a laptop for my birthday. Part of it's packaging was Skype. Today, I got to do something I have rarely, if ever managed to do. I gave my Father a present he could actually use and appreciate. A few months ago, an Uncle in the Netherlands suffered a stroke. My Dad was very emotional when, on my Dad's birthday last month, said Uncle phoned him to say hello . . .

Well, today was that same Uncle's 45th anniversary, and a party was planned in the Netherlands to mark the occasion. The big surpise for them, was that I had arranged to have my Dad show up, via Skype, to say hello.

My Father has never liked technology much. It was like pulling teeth to get him to accept a DVD player for family photos on disc. But today, he actually enjoyed the ability of my "useless" computer to bring him closer to family he would otherwise not be able to "see". And I feel great for having given him that small pleasure.


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