Vancouver player at BCC

Hey guys,

It's been a dogs age since I posted on this forum (in all honesty I got sick of what I perceived as a lot of bullshit and weird drama, but that's besides the point). I still read along from time to time.

I'm going to be at Brantford Sunday evening, likely playing the 5/10 kill and I'm wondering if any of the chip collecting types from this forum will be around, and if so could I interest you in some chips from the casinos in the Greater Vancouver area.

I happen to have a bunch of single's around and while I could just cash them in I suppose I feel like helping someone out with their collection. I'd happily accept trades from people if they had ones to move along, but I'm not really a serious collector honestly, I just enjoy having them. If you have nothing to trade, I don't really care.

I don't imagine I'll get there until late to be honest, 9 pm or afterward, and will be looking to play late through the night.

Thought I'd put it out there.


  • Welcome back Dino, hows the daughter, around 2 now?

    P.S. I'm sure someone will take you up on the chip pron offer, there are a couple of those types around here somewheres....
  • compuease wrote: »
    Welcome back Dino, hows the daughter, around 2 now?

    Wow, some memory.

    Yeah, a little over two. Driving me insane, in the best possible way I guess. She's lovely honestly.

    I'll just throw some chips in my bag and have some with me Sunday night. Tough to say what I might be wearing, but my glasses are big thick black plastic jobbies, like Buddy Holly. Likely won't be too tough to find me.
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