What do you do to stop bad beat stories.

a. Say, "Do you like string?"
b. Say, "Maybe the problem is your level of arousal?"
c. Cut off one of their testicles. (only works twice)

Any better suggestions?


  • I let em talk. I mean if losing QQ vs AK is a bad beat, they are my type of player. :D
  • just be like.. "wait a minute....how much was in the pot?.....okay how could it be buddys turn if it was other buddy on the button.......ok ok just start over lets get this hand history correct....."
  • A quick comment before they start talking..."you can always tell how good a player is by the number of bad beat stories they have.."
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    I let em talk. I mean if losing QQ vs AK is a bad beat, they are my type of player. :D

    +1. Don't try and stop anything. Be sympathetic "oh, you got so lucky!" and ENCOURAGE them to continue their bad play. "Keep at it, next time you'll be good!"
  • I've gone more the asshole route of late..

    Them: "Hey, get this..."

    Me: "Wait, is this a story I'm really going to give a shit about?"

    Them (A): " Nevermind"

    Them (B): "Yes!! So I was in the cutoff..."

    Me: "I don't care, please stop"

  • I think the worse for me is when they state the obvious such as

    "Well, I didn't know he had a set! I wouldn't have called if I had known!"

    The best is to go beyond that. be like, omfg such a bad beat! I got it all in with ak and he turns over AA!!! Omfg such a bad beat! I'T WAS THE WORST BEAT EVERRRRRR
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I've gone more the asshole route of late..

    Of late? :o
  • Milo wrote: »
    Of late? :o

    WEll, to the truly "special" I've always been an asshole.... ;)

  • Weve all had bad beats, thats poker "shut up!"

    Yes Im very caring, I take a good handful of bad beats I grumble and walk thats good enough for me!
  • Go the definition route,

    If it ain't a one outer or they called your shove after they got there it ain't a bad beat.
  • PLR 1 AJ
    PLR 2 AKh
    Hero 77

    Flop 4h7hA

    Turn 4 (all the money goes in the middle on the turn $1k+ pot)

    One outer river A

    ...bad beat?
  • Ill usually listen and agree but if it incessant I pull out my ipod or table change if the table isn't especially good. You can often know exactly how a player plays and how to extract value from them by listening to one short story that they find noteworthy.
  • Just say, "I'm not really one for bad beat stories"
  • I wonder if I sold bad beat insurance if it would be profitable. For every session you pay 20% of your buy in you plan to insure to me.

    Set vs set
    Flush vs straight flush
    Boat over Boat
    Rivered by any face card

    I just have to figure out what would be acceptable returns on it. Session times determine premium paid.
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