longest time at the live tables.

Longest Live grind you've done?

Up? Down? Even?


  • I like this question.

    Lightweight, 12 hours max. Have done 8 to 12 hours waiting for a plane...well I planned it (in California or near Atlantic City) such I'd have to check out of hotel and play poker all night until I could take my flight.
    Doubt I could stay awake more than 36 hours I get too sleepy and generally don't drink coffee etc.
    I'm pretty good at quitting.

    Up a bit 2 of the 3 times and up large 1 time (Borgata). I wouldn't say I was playing scared but more playing bored. I didn't want to bust and have nothing to do for hours and no place to sleep.

    I've had much worse results in some short sessions.
  • always wanted to join the 24 hour club. Love guys that fall asleep at the table and the dealer keeps taking their blinds and folding their cards.
  • My longest I can lay claim to took place couple months ago.

    Started Friday after work. Hit the boulevard casino 4pm, played until just after 4am. Up around 250+.
    Slept in the back of my truck for afew hours in the casino parkaid. Got up to use the bathroom before I left and heard there was a 210000+ bbj out at the cascades casino(bout 45min drive). Quick stop at home for a shower then straight out there. Seated at about 8:30am, played tell about 3pm. Turned 175+ profit. Got a call from a good buddy of mine to come join him back at the boulevard, there was a sick 1/2 table full of fish so I jumped back in my truck and got back to the tables around 4-5pm. End up playing until 3-4am again, up 150+. Back to the truck for few hours of much needed sleep. Get a call at 7am tto go play a tournement at the edge water @12pm. Go to buddys to pick him up and shower before we go play 1/2 before the tourney. Sitdown @8:30, win a 1000$ pot in the first 15 mins after sitting down(seprate brag)…:) play until 12. Play in the tournement and get knocked out before the second level( aa vs kk. Villan flop k.) So back to 1/2. Buddy made it to the final 3 in the tourney and comes over to find me with anorher 300+ profit stack infront of me and asks why I'm still here. At about 6pm I get a call from the wifey that I need to go pick up the inlaws from the airport. Leave bout 6:30 ( buddy took a cab home after lossing heads up.) Get to the airport just in time for there landing. Drive home without saying 2 words ( zombie by this point but mymother inlaw talks enough for everyone. Get to my place place around 9pm and sleep for the next 16 hours.

    Total hours. 41
    total profits 1775+ give or take a dollar
    Total hours sleep 3-4.

    What a weekend! Called it the poker maration.
    Back to my 9-5 Monday!
  • I did a 25 hour stretch in Edmonton at the yellowhead casino, get a free buffet at three AM, lol, it was a long time, my knees were sore from sitting too long and i think i got hemeroids, lmao. bought in for $200 at the $1-2 and cashed out $1655 25 hours later... this was the day after i won the bad beat jackpot )i won the hand for 25% for $3562) in a 14 hour session.. i was very tired.. but very happy with $$ i just made ;)
  • ZoneZer0 wrote: »
    I did a 25 hour stretch in Edmonton at the yellowhead casino, get a free buffet at three AM, lol, it was a long time, my knees were sore from sitting too long and i think i got hemeroids, lmao. bought in for $200 at the $1-2 and cashed out $1655 25 hours later... this was the day after i won the bad beat jackpot )i won the hand for 25% for $3562) in a 14 hour session.. i was very tired.. but very happy with $$ i just made ;)

    Very nice score!
  • yeah it was crazy cause im on this trip to edmonton to play poker, only had 400$ on me lost 200 in like 20 minutes, freaked out, lol, bought in for the other 200, now i knew i was gonna be there for a few days so losing it all right away would just suck lol, thats when i got tthings going was up to $600 then i won the bad beat :) then the next day was the 25 hour grind $1600, so i was up like $7000 the first two days it was a good trip :)
  • I have done the day and half session. Usually when I fly into vegas on the 8pm flight, get there around 10pm vegas time....I am usually very excited to get out to the tables so I say "I'll play just for a couple of hours and then head to sleep...." Well that usually lasts till mid morning and then a new fresh crop of players show up and I am stuck trying to grab their money.....

    Back in 2007 I did a 40hour session at ventian 2-5nl game and ended up 4500.00, I had never had that much money in front of me in a cash game before and the table was stacked. I just remember myself and a couple of my buddies there all with giant stacks and people were passing our table in awe. The good ole days where venetian poker room had 80% spewers....
  • I did a story on a gentleman just a little while back on Jason "piariehawk" Grad, friend of our home game reg.

    He is a Super Nova Elite who makes his living on rake back, so he decided to challenge himself live. Since he treats it like a job, "working" 40 hours a week he figured he could make a pretty good go. There were witnesses and we had to keep making player "calls" on FB to ensure the game didn't break.

    He called at 88 hours, started feeling pretty disorientated. He was playing 1/2
    And was up $3000 after the session.

    He was allowed 2 short naps, I think like 15 minutes and 30 if I remember correctly.

    Nice guy. I would say 14-16 hours of play is my max, often times starting a tourney then playing cash till 6 am. Str8 cash game prob only about 8 hours would be my longest live session.
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