What's the cheapest way to send texts to a US phone number?


I have a friend in the US.
I want to send texts from my fido phone to the US.

But fido charges me .15/text.
Is there a cheaper way?


  • Are they using a Smartphone?

    Both of you open Twitter accounts. Set the push notifications to alert you when your name is mentioned. Send them a tweet with their handle included, it will pop up on their phone same as a text. And visa versa. That way you can both communicate and not be charged for text messages.
  • at least until the cell providers figure out discover the dodge and figure out a way to screw you anyway . . . enjoy.
  • If you have an iPhone or BB grab the Whatsup App. I use it to text my family in NYC and FLA. Make sure who ever you're planning on texting has the same app.
  • Icedog wrote: »
    If you have an iPhone or BB grab the Whatsup App. I use it to text my family in NYC and FLA. Make sure who ever you're planning on texting has the same app.

    Yep I was thinking WhatsApp too. I find it a bit unreliable on the bb but it seems better on iphone. I think it's like $2 a year. Not sure if the OP has a smart type phone.
  • I have it for the iPhone and its fine. I paid $2.99 for the app. I use it all the time without any problems. My brother has the same app on his BB and he doesn't have a problem either. Not sure where your getting that $2 a year thing, I havent heard of that.
  • Good to know it might be the older 8900 having some issue. I recall paying for it twice - must have been 2 phones and perhaps the price went up. So 2.99 flat rate is an even better deal, pays for itself in a day with a 'friend'.
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