$2-$4 Games at the GBH

The Great Blue Heron is pleased to announce that we have re-introduced the option for player to play $2-$4 and $4-$8 games. These games are offered for Hold’em, Omaha and Pineapple in both Kill and Half Kill variations.


  • Is the poker pit that dead. The only winners in those games would be GBH with the rake. I guess that explains why they have been re-introduced.
  • No when I left tonight at 7:00pm. We had two 20/40 holdem 1/2 kills, a 20/40 Hold'em, one 20/40 Omaha 1/2 kill, three 10/20 Hold'em 1/2 kills, a 10/20 Hold'em, a 5/10 Hold'em 1/2 kill and 5/10 Hold'em. Plus a list for at least three more game. The only reason we have brought 2/4 back is to start training new players how to play. I am pretty sure that most player do not jump onto big games when they first start playing. So why would the GBH want new players to drive to Brantford or Rama to learn. So the answer to your question no we are not dead, just broadening our market.
  • Bring on the new players. Too many regulars as it is.
  • What's the rake for the new games?
  • Hello all

    The rake on the 2-4 and the 4-8 games is 10% to a maximum of $5. All of our bigger games 5-10 and up are 5% to a maximum of $5.
  • payperview wrote: »
    Bring on the new players. Too many regulars as it is.

    Every since CNE finished, there are definitely more new players playing 20/40 LHE. A few of the players mentioned they enjoyed playing it at CNE and now they don't want to go back to 10/20
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