Only way she gets in the race is if the Tea Party starts a serious run, or co-opts the Republican nomination process (unlikely). But yeah, she would give the late night jokesters a plethors of gags, not to mention making most rational voters do the same . . .
Everything she's been doing has been pointing towards her making a run but I would have thought she would be in by now. Not sure what grand entrance she's planning but I'm sure it will be full of pomp, pageantry and bullshit.
Until then we have this years version in Michelle "batshit crazy" Bachmann to keep us entertained. You shouldn't discount the tea party'ers though, they have been wielding a lot of influence in american politics lately and that really really concerns me. The right wing has always been able to get their voters out en mass to push their agenda much more effectively then the left wing or the centrists.
Until then we have this years version in Michelle "batshit crazy" Bachmann to keep us entertained. You shouldn't discount the tea party'ers though, they have been wielding a lot of influence in american politics lately and that really really concerns me. The right wing has always been able to get their voters out en mass to push their agenda much more effectively then the left wing or the centrists.