Online Cash Games. Still possible or Avoid Like The Plague?

I gave up online cash games a while ago once I started learning how many ways there existed for people to cheat at it. Bots, for example, or a room full of players on the same site, at the same table waiting for clueless fish to swim by as another.

But from reading a few posts on here, it seems like many still do indulge in online cash/ring games.

So my question is, what is the majority opinion here? Is it at all still possible to join an 'honest' online ring game? And if so, are there any sites which are generally most reccommened for this? (or even just fav sites with best security in general. I already feel pretty secure with Poker Stars and Party Poker, for MTT games anyway.)

Oh, and for any kind hearted souls seeking to send me their personal invites to their private online ring games with just them and a few of their good friends? Thanks, but don't hold your breath. :cute:


  • people who cheat at online poker games are not smart enough to beat good poker players...

    if they were smart enough they would learn the game instead

    as for home just gotta stick around and pass the troll test....its just we get alot of that here and its not cool.....
  • I hear ya, I've belonged (and still do) to many forums in my life and they do seem to be a favourite lurking place of trolls.

    Not too worried about finding home games as I know a lot of people and games are not too hard to find in TO. I certainly am open to meeting new people and finding new games of course though.

    But I also very much like how online games allow one to play at any time of day, whenever the whim might strike.
  • I think the cheating is still pretty bad now b/c the players are listed by country only now instead of city. When you used to see multiple players from the same area of a country,(if not the same city) it was easier to spot the colluders. I usually play at tables with many different countries as possible. Not that that is a sure thing either with MSN/SKYE either.

    That being said, a table of German cheaters is still pretty easy to beat, since most of them suck Hitler's balls. You just have to leave the table earlier is all.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I think the cheating is still pretty bad now b/c the players are listed by country only now instead of city. When you used to see multiple players from the same area of a country,(if not the same city) it was easier to spot the colluders. I usually play at tables with many different countries as possible. Not that that is a sure thing either with MSN/SKYE either.

    That being said, a table of German cheaters is still pretty easy to beat, since most of them suck Hitler's balls. You just have to leave the table earlier is all.
    theres difference between avoiding a table with people from the same country and wearing a tin foil hat to stop bb.s imo....

    if thier organized cheatin...not likely to all be from the same coutry.... :p
  • darbday wrote: »
    theres difference between avoiding a table with people from the same country and wearing a tin foil hat to stop bb.s imo....

    if thier organized cheatin...not likely to all be from the same coutry.... :p

    Maybe yes, maybe no.

    Like I said, nothing is guaranteed, except a tin foil hat :D
  • Johnnie is right minus russians at low stakes PLO, they are there to gamble hit and run....find the hand you feel your good with and get them....they steam more off that way lol

    Its not too bad, just keep everyone fresh and keep moving tables, not like there isnt 50 open!
  • A couple of weeks ago PS requested that I type a word in chat in order to continue playing.
    So they must be trying to control bots.
  • mags wrote: »
    A couple of weeks ago PS requested that I type a word in chat in order to continue playing.
    So they must be trying to control bots.
    my bots got the same email and wrote stars back to say that thats a ridiculous way to tell if someone is a bot or not....

  • LMAO darbday!

    And thanks for the replies JohnnieH, getem76 and mags! lol So Germans and Russians eh? Will have to keep that in mind ;)

    Ya, your answers are pretty much what I figured. But like they say, "If they don't know that you know that they're trying to scam ya..."

    Ok, I lie, I have no idea if They've said that before. But I just said it, which is good enough for me.

    See ya on the green folks!
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