MOTHERF&*&R - Help / Advice needed
Hey all
So, about a month ago my dishwasher was not draining correctly, and would overflow onto my kitchen floor. I tried cleaning the machine, clearing out the filter, checking the hose and what not, worked a few more times, then pooched out again.
I went on Kijiji, and found a free dishwasher, got it installed, and it was working fine, until this morning when the same damned thing happened. Again, water isn't draining, and spilling onto the floor. Now, assuming that it's not a coincidental breaking of both dishwashers, and using new hoses for draining when I put the new one in, I can't figure out what could be going wrong here. The hose connects to the plumbing under my sink, but both sinks drain fine. Any ideas what's causing this?
So, about a month ago my dishwasher was not draining correctly, and would overflow onto my kitchen floor. I tried cleaning the machine, clearing out the filter, checking the hose and what not, worked a few more times, then pooched out again.
I went on Kijiji, and found a free dishwasher, got it installed, and it was working fine, until this morning when the same damned thing happened. Again, water isn't draining, and spilling onto the floor. Now, assuming that it's not a coincidental breaking of both dishwashers, and using new hoses for draining when I put the new one in, I can't figure out what could be going wrong here. The hose connects to the plumbing under my sink, but both sinks drain fine. Any ideas what's causing this?
I'm in a condo building, standard plumbing AFAIK
You're welcome.
EDIT: Your condo maintenance dept might even have a power snake you can borrow. (Maybe?) I don't have much expertise in condo maintenance or what they will help you out with....
Power snake > draino or liquid plumber.
Wonder what could have gone through your old dishwasher to clog the drain on that side?
More EDIT: You sure your drain line to your sink is not blocked? New hoses are in, what about the nipple that you clamp the drain hose to under the sink, is it blocked somehow...?
EDIT: forget everything I posted above. ....gotta start reading more than the thread titles.
Is this a new building, or an older one? Older buildings were not necessarily designed to efficiently drain in-unit dishwashers or washing machines . . . to the point where you could face severe penalties for violations.
Call a plumber.
Keep the remaining profit.
also you can find schematics and troublshooting on almost any model of anything online...
I have highlighted the flaw in your solution.
Didn't notice op is mark.
My bad.
Yeah, tell Schneider to get his ass up there.
Holy fuck I'm old.
Darb and DrTyore = strange bedfellows?
You've connected the dots. Nice job.