Seriously, how does Bellande have a backer?

Just watching some PAD -- this guy manages to get 200bb all in preflop in a cash game with AQ, especially when playing with case money. What a train-wreck of a hand.

How the hell does he consistently get a high stakes backer?


  • This is a guy that should come play at seneca with me!!.....something Ive learned, not to say a good idea but AQ is such an EASY pre-flop fold when your not sure!!!

    As for poor hellmuth he thought they both had AK or something and was looking to flop a set with his 4's HAHA
  • He has made a couple deep runs in the main event right? And he used to be on Survivor so he is like an E level celebrity.

    and yeah wtf that was so bad
  • I hate his comment towards Hellmuth there as well after cards were flipped.
  • Anyone can assign a range to Ferguson better than Bellande. This is the tightest player at the table who almost never makes a move in that spot.

    Although, I have to say that Jetten is giving Ferguson some serious competition for the least personality at the table.

    I hadn't watched poker on tv for about a year -- other than this single hand this had to be the most boring cash game in the history of televised poker. It only got worse after Bellande busted.

    How many times can players open with 64dd on the button and fold to a 3 bet 100k deep in position? Makes me sick.
  • Favourite line: "How much did you lose in this hand?"

    Hellmuth is such a douche . . . or is that duch? I am not sure anymore . . .
  • I don't feel so bad getting it all in pre flop w QQ. That's what he gets for just calling t initial raise.
  • LMAO "Made a play....didn't work out" <----yup AQ usually doesn't work out to a raise-flat-flat-re-raise....lmao
  • "Made a play", hes watching TOO much TV with ferguson bluffing, he does that FOR, TV not just because if he has any idea hes up against a pay off wizard hes going to get it in!

    Jean-Robert brings personality to the game, and for TV thats good, but you dont bring personality to the poker table just because that noramlly works against you.

    Im not one to talk everyone constantly thinks im bluffing for some reason!
  • i just got tired of hearing him whine about being unlucky when he plays like shit. I turn it off when he is on now.
  • I can't stand Bellande, that's why I love this clip.
  • Follow him on twitter! its a train wreck!
  • Hes good for TV thats why hes on it, outside that, hes just some sort of pay off wizard. Everyone is unlucky sometimes, its not all the time Im sure, he can sell it like that....Im JUST as unlucky as wait, thats poker!!
  • wow, he's playing the main even, he should know that he has a nice edge getting it in aq v 109 so why ramble on and berate the guy. That's really poor manners by him
  • not the worst play ever tbh, it's probably a bit spewy (no clue how often fergusson 3-bets or squeezes or w/e). Sure it looks like "omg he got in 200BB with AQ, that's never good!" but he's forcing chris to put in 200BB with AK too which he can't be that thrilled about. If he thinks that chris will fold AK some % of the time then it's kind of a cool squeeze of a squeeze type thing since hellmuth's obv dead money. It could be fine with the right reads. Probably kind of optimistic but def not completely braindead given the weird action.
  • This is a fairly deep cash game not a tourney.
  • That game had people in it probably that should be playing that high, not to say they didnt have the caliber but Chris can afford to take this kind of race where mikey and jean-robert kinda couldnt.

    To Chris whats 100k, whats 2 million LOL
  • So, I followed Bellande on twitter. Sounds like I have a bigger bankroll than he does. Who is backing him and why does he want to lose money? Gives me hope that someday I can find a backer.
  • Lives like a millionare, ya know eventually if you dont pay up or out enough to make your backer happy they back out, then your kinda stuck!
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    This is a fairly deep cash game not a tourney.

    you play 200BB different in a tourney than a cash game?
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    So, I followed Bellande on twitter. Sounds like I have a bigger bankroll than he does. Who is backing him and why does he want to lose money? Gives me hope that someday I can find a backer.

    My guess would be Guy Liberte, seems to stake a lot of the under rolled but capable (i use that term lightly) tv cash game guys....
  • I really hate this guy.

    He was on Survivor good for him and he talks alot at the table too... I talk alot as well anyone want to back me?

    Checked out his twitter again ugh what a goof.
  • Vekked wrote: »
    you play 200BB different in a tourney than a cash game?

  • C'mon gta I know you want to be my backer :D
  • As for how you play 200 deep at a tourney, your trying to win as many pots as you can to stay afloat while others sink, cash game...its more important to GET all the money rather than just yes its played much differently.

    An easier way to look at it, at a tourney you might shove with anything to get it in before the flop take a gamble or not gamble if you have AA and helps your image for when you move in, at a cash game more often than not your not going to put all your chips in so quickly with AA, hope to get the max instead
  • A couple things a) the whole "Busto Bellande" thing is at least partly a made-up persona, it's like his trademark. And b) he has a day job - he's a poker host at the Aria, so he has at least some kind of regular income beyond playing poker.
  • Vegas will eventually catch up to him and he will actually have nothing, least thats my take upon it.
  • Against Ferguson of all people....

    PS it was Hellmuth being the huge dick, not Bellande.
  • jontm wrote: »
    My guess would be Guy Liberte, seems to stake a lot of the under rolled but capable (i use that term lightly) tv cash game guys....

    For a price, I heard. lol
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