Who is Fed?

and why does Drtyore keep saying I am him?


  • Troll that was here for a while, before getting banned . . . then came back, briefly, under multiple guises. Long story short, some new members become suspected of being . . . The Return of Fed.

    If you're actually him, they really must have upped your meds . . .
  • Ah I see.

    Was he a better player than me? I've been told I play exactly like him.

    I look forward to my name being cleared...and for drtyore shipping me 10 bucks on stars.
  • I have no idea . . .
  • Macke wrote: »
    and why does Drtyore keep saying I am him?

    hmmm...pretending not to be fed. that sounds like something fed would do...
  • Quick question

    Who here is still in contact with Fed (legit) - forboon said he skypes with him, but I was busy and couldn't tell if he was just fucking around.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Quick question

    Who here is still in contact with Fed (legit) - forboon said he skypes with him, but I was busy and couldn't tell if he was just fucking around.


    Last I knew, Kristy has him on facebook
  • Hobbes, how exactly are you still getting kicked by FTP's rng program? Just curious . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hobbes, how exactly are you still getting kicked by FTP's rng program? Just curious . . .

    Guess I need to change that :D

    How about "Hey FTP I want my $6.70 back"
  • Change it to "Howard", and I think it's a winner . . .
  • Hi Kathy! How's the Mustang?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Hi Kathy! How's the Mustang?

    Okay, this wins . . . and I am not even sure why, yet. :)
  • He stalks me on stars sometimes when I am playing, so he still stalks the forum.
  • Interesting...

    Because without ever mentioning to Kristy that Fed was posing as Macke, I got a message from Fed via Facebook saying "I am not Macke on the forum".....

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Because without ever mentioning to Kristy that Fed was posing as Macke, I got a message from Fed via Facebook saying "I am not Macke on the forum".....


    Clearly he/she can still troll through here. I guess he finally ran out of ISPs to sign up.
    Or he is registered and us doing a very good job of staying on the DL.

    Did he say how his Mustang is?
  • I remain convinced that Macke on the forum is not Fed. Fed could be one of the many newcomers on the forum of late, I just don't think it's Macke. Too much knowledge/lingo of Lower Mainland of BC, which Comp confirmed is where his IP is from.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Quick question

    Who here is still in contact with Fed (legit) - forboon said he skypes with him, but I was busy and couldn't tell if he was just fucking around.

    yes i was too cut to remember that...yes play pokerz and chat him up daily....
  • darbday wrote: »
    yes i was too cut to remember that...yes play pokerz and chat him up daily....

    troof, I see feddy giving him nuthugs in chat fairly frequently.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    troof, I see feddy giving him nuthugs in chat fairly frequently.
    ...but..you havent been on stars ???

    since when do i need wetts backin to give me credibility :bs:
  • I was just checking because I've gotten several messages from him on FB, and he's mentioned things that I didn't mention to Kristy when I asked, so I thought I had a "gotcha" moment, but given that he lurks / talks with others, it isn't conclusive.

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