Call me Grass

Its my last name.

Ive been playing poker on and off for about 5 years. Ive only started to take it seriously within the last year or so. About 6 months ago i started reading a few books and tracking my +/- and even keeping notes on my friends. But when exams rolled in around june i stopped playing as well as stopped keeping up with my records. I'm finding it hard to get back into a routine of keeping notes.

Over the last couple weeks ive lost a few small limit games with friends. My one friend is a super tight player, which makes him not so difficult but very boring to play against especially in these games with small numbers of players. I find myself becoming impatient, and in the end it has cost me a few games.

Is there any advice i can get to play him and make the most profit?

Thanks :)


  • Figure out his range, Bet your hands that are ahead of his range.... good start!
  • Thanks, unfortunately his range is pretty much everything when it comes down to 2 or 3 people left
  • as should you in that case... You need to pay attention to his betting styles and betting types... is he betting 2x or 3x with pocket pairs or big hole cards like ak aq or is he just flatting trying to set a trap... Is he check raising flops or turns, and with what in his hand... there are to many scenarios that could play out in certain situations, i need more details....
  • this guy is a stone wall, the only actual read i have on him is that when he has a pocket pair he will call the blind and then raise a big blind for every player in the hand

    but yes i suppose he will slow play, when he has chip lead he will bet, when is not he wil check to the end with anything almost, so it becomes difficult to raise him as you never know what he will have, the size of our stacks is so small at certain points that simply going over the top each time becomes almost impossible and bites me in the ass
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