

my buddy pissed in his cans litter box. is it okay? or is it wrong because the cant will know. I wanted to post this in hsmtt but i wasn't sure.....i think ts fine and funny. the cat doesn't know......


  • ok 'batman' the cat knows and its not cool.
  • Oh man, it's finally happened. All this "I'm Batman" and "I'm Yoda" stuff has finally caused him to flip his lid. This could get pretty funny pretty quick... where's that popcorn?
  • As an expert...

    Given the spelling errors, content, and time stamp, someone was drinking.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    As an expert...

    Given the spelling errors, content, and time stamp, someone was drinking.


    /\ this...after all, Mark IS an expert in this field
  • It's all good Yoda, just think of it as getting the cat back for crapping in your loafers.
  • thx all your really helped me on this one!
  • I thought the title read "impotent".
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