EPL Swapping, Backing, Trading debate thread

I have started another thread for the Epic Poker League, but am hoping this topic will spark some interest as far as opinions and debate go.

Forum has been kinda quiet anyway.

For the "tweeple" out there, the Girha scandal and Epic Poker rule book are pretty much the hot topics right now, and in some indirect but very relevant ways I feel the one justifies the others. And it's not like we need Jose as the prime example.

After the first few paragraphs regarding results, there are two topics. Old school vs New, which mainly stems from Negreanu's latest blog on the EPL which has it's supporters, but at the same time has ruffled industry feathers and not just with those directly attached to the EPL.

The last part is concerning the backing, swapping, trading rules. We all are familiar with the concepts at this stage in our game, but to the best of my knowledge, this is a first when it comes to "rules about". If it isn't, hoping
that will come out here.

While I didn't mention in the article as it hasn't been absolutely confirmed and I have not received comment from people on that end that I respect, it does seem however that the EPL allowed players to take some money off 2nd to make 1st an even million.

While really not a big deal, it has had some asking, isn't this breaking your own rules? Players chop in their own best interest, while this was clearly in the interest of accurate headlines reading "a cool million'. The pay-out schedule called for slightly less and I bet Seidel could of used it (hope like hell at this point everybody gets it)

Fire away, here is a brief overview.
G’Smith TV Finish, Seidel 2nd at Inaugural EPL Event…Cue the Debate before Event #2


  • sweet article, i rembember reading a good thread about i think jungleman and someone else were the texting back and forth was unclear on whether not Jungleman got free rolled on...

    some weird tricky spots come up for sure
  • Your grammar makes me feel like I'm reading some English-Alien mishmash of the English language.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Your grammar makes me feel like I'm reading some English-Alien mishmash of the English language.

    Damn I missed you! Yup, i have been told. Wish I had A web editor, but it is what it is; mostly people get the point.

    Any thoughts otherwise? cause I know you behind that hard shell of yours there is actually an insightful humanish thing.

    Where were you when we needed you in the A10 thread? your talent would have been epic!!!
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