Did I play this incorrectly?

My name is b1nkk btw

***** Hand History for Game 1494937541 *****
$50 NL Hold'em - Wednesday, January 26, 13:52:39 EDT 2005
Table Table 14199 (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 5: ruset ( $56.65 )
Seat 6: Hawksmoor ( $48.95 )
Seat 10: seanpatrick2 ( $26.2 )
Seat 1: b1nkk ( $87.5 )
Seat 3: Stanley78 ( $58.15 )
Seat 8: ctrey17 ( $45.4 )
seanpatrick2 posts small blind [$0.5].
b1nkk posts big blind [$1].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to b1nkk [ Ks Ad ]
ruset calls [$1].
Hawksmoor folds.
ctrey17 calls [$1].
seanpatrick2 calls [$0.5].
b1nkk raises [$3].
ruset calls [$3].
ctrey17 folds.
seanpatrick2 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ Td, Kh, 4d ]
b1nkk bets [$4].
ruset calls [$4].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
>You have options at Table 30502 (6 max) Table!.
b1nkk bets [$8].
ruset calls [$8].
** Dealing River ** [ 7c ]
b1nkk bets [$15].
ruset raises [$35].
b1nkk calls [$20].
ruset shows [ Qh, Jd ] a straight, ten to ace.
b1nkk doesn't show [ Ks, Ad ] two pairs, aces and kings.
ruset wins $102 from the main pot with a straight, ten to ace.


  • Pre-flop -- I like over-betting the pot when I'm in the BB with a decent hand like AK. So there's $4 in the pot when it gets to you. I'd like to put in about a $6 bet there to take the pot right there or narrow down the range of hands of your opponents.

    Flop -- there's a flush draw and a straight draw out there. You have a great hand. I'd be over-betting the pot to put the maximum pressure on my opponents. Here I'd put in a bet of $12. Again, I don't mind winning this right here. I think you would get him to fold here, but I'm just thinking of an average opponent.

    Turn -- This is why you need to exert maximum pressure when you're out of position with relatively deep stacks. You make your hand, but don't have positional advantage to see what your opponent might have. I think I'm firing another big bet here, perhaps something like $25. I think that would put him all-in and I likely lose the hand, just in a different way. But my opponent would have made two bad calls, pre-flop, and flop.

    River -- I wouldn't have got there. Would have been all-in at the turn.

  • Well my bet on the flop didnt give him pot odds to draw into a straight, so I had him on Aj or Aq. I didnt think he would be dumb enough to call that preflop and then call into a gutshot, but then again this is party poker!
  • It was an open-ended straight draw, so his call of $4 on the flop with $12 in the pot was about right.
  • Opps missed the open ender. Gotta pay more attention then!
  • Well, first, he didnt call into a gutshot, he had an outside straight draw, you only made him call $4 into a $14 pot with 6 outs that will give him the absolute nuts(Ad, 9d could make a flush), he would be thinking he has 8 most likely, while that might not be giving him the right odds, it's pretty damn close, if you wanted a draw to fold you should've made it around $10. At least that's what i'm thinking.
  • Preflop: In the BB and have three limpers. I think if you want to raise it needs to be a little higher like $4 - $5 but $3 isn’t terrible either.

    Flop: You flop TPTK with flush and straight draws out not to mention a strong possibility of a set of 4s maybe even 10's (but not likely they would have raised preflop). You bet $4 into a $7 pot giving the draws the right price to chase. I think you need to come out much stronger here and make a pot size bet. You will usually accomplish two things by this, first you will force out the drawing hands (not always but at least then they will be making the bad play), and second you will often get raised by the hands that beat you making it easier to know where you are in the hand since a better hand will also want to protect against any draw you maybe on.

    Turn: Your worst nightmare. The non-diamond A but it puts another four flush out and completes the nuts (A high straight). At this point, especially since you didn’t define your hand on the flop you need to find out where you are. There is now $15 (minus the rake) in the pot so I would fire out $15. Same concept as I mention before and now a made hand will definitely defend (raise) since there are so many scare cards out. You way underbet again and are leaving yourself with no idea where you are.

    River: Since you have no idea where you are in this hand you are pretty much guaranteed to pay off the better hand.

    Overall: I think your only shots at this pot were preflop (probably not going to make JQ fold unless you push all-in though) and on the flop. From the flop on your dead money. Remember when you make a vulnerable hand that you need to make the draws pay. You looked like you betting scared from the flop on and JQ picked up on that (just calling with the straight). I guess you can count your blessing that JQ didn’t have more money and bust you. BE MORE AGGRESSIVE with your made hands.

    Wow it took me to long to write this as 6 posters got in exactly what I was thinking by the time I posted.
  • Soup66 wrote:
    Well my bet on the flop didnt give him pot odds to draw into a straight, so I had him on Aj or Aq. I didnt think he would be dumb enough to call that preflop and then call into a gutshot, but then again this is party poker!

    Yep, (took out my miscue as well), I thought it was a gut shot.

    The only problem is that most players don't pay attention to pot odds and are focusing on implied odds. A big pot sized bet on the flop takes away much of the implied odds, and he knows you are deep so he knows he'll see another big bet at the turn. With the $4 bet, its a small investment on his part to make $56. So, he's really looking at this as a 14 to 1 call. Questionable play on his part, but out of position, in your spot, I like putting lots of pressure on. Sometimes it bites me though.

  • It really is my lack of aggressiveness that loses me alot of hands. I have to learn to attack more
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