Played in casino for first time.

Starlight Casino New West, BC

Tonight was my big slick night and so after four of us headed over to the casino and we all got paired at the same table.

Very first hand I was in BB and given the Doyle Brunson.. which I won with cause I'm a boss.. big 10 dollar pot to start.

Other notable hands.

I fold Ace8 off UTG+1.. person to my right raised to 10 I fold....two 8s on the flop.

Very next hand I am given 8 3 of clubs.. I call the 2.. the flop is 8, 8 queen.. I check, next person bets 6 and is called.. I bet 12 and next goes all in for 50 or so.. other folds... I turn over 8 3 he has queen jack and doesn't hit.

Ehh I'm tired I'll post some more tomorrow.. but I bought in for 125 and left with 207.. I'm happy I had a bunch more but lost some..good night overall Mostly green fish I was playing with.. was able to bluff alot.


  • Macke wrote: »
    Other notable hands.

    I fold Ace8 off UTG+1.. person to my right raised to 10 I fold....two 8s on the flop.

    Very next hand I am given 8 3 of clubs.. I call the 2.. the flop is 8, 8 queen.. I check, next person bets 6 and is called.. I bet 12 and next goes all in for 50 or so.. other folds... I turn over 8 3 he has queen jack and doesn't hit.
    Congrats, be prepared for the other side of variance. So you folded A,8 UTG+1 but LIMPED 8,3 UTG? This ain't gonna end well...
  • Yeah I know it was stupid.. no wait I flopped trips I'm a genius.:D (that emotion cracks me up)

    It was rather enjoyable it was.. I heard a whole bunch of "pokerclack" but it turned out they didn't have a big hand they really were sad <_>.

    My biggest hand was probably my pocket Jacks and I really milked this who had ace 10 for about 70 bucks but there was a sweat there stupid Jacks.

    Also I pushing for everyone to do some straddles but it never took off only me and one other guy did them.. oh well.
  • ok I ended up back there today (not planned) and I won 60 bucks today.. I had doubled up at one point my 100 again but lost a couple hands..

    It was a much tougher table.. I miss playing with the green fish at midnight... I did have some nerves one hand... I flopped a straight and yeah didn't get nearly as much as I should have... not nearly as much... that's all I'll say about that hand.

    Little harder as most people were buying in for the max as well compared to just my min 100.. but it's fine it's good.
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