I hear Vegas calling...

I'm so wound up right now... I need a vacation... I have no plans to go anywhere, but suddenly have the urge to make my way to Vegas again...

Possibly as soon as SUNDAY!!.. Gotta love last minute trips...

I just don't know if I can bring myself to do it... Had a bad run last time.. I don't want to repeat such dispicable acts!!

Anyhow... Just had to blurt that out.. I've been looking at flights and hotels for hours now and I just can't pull the trigger...

Sorry to interupt your day with my *Bleh*...



  • Hey these "last minute" trips are the best... Pull the trigger..
  • compuease wrote: »
    Hey these "last minute" trips are the best... Pull the trigger..

    The King of Last Minute Deals has spoken!

    Can I ask what happened on you last trip? Was is just shitty luck at the tables or did you have an unrelated experience that soured you on Vegas? I've found that luck is a part of having a good trip, but feeling good about yourself and having confidence is the biggest part of having a great time. Going with good people helps too :)

    During my 1st trip to Vegas, I couldn't get anything going. I think I had one winning session. Maybe 2 tops. Still had a blast, but I was getting very unlucky and that would tilt me into making me play bad and then very bad.

    Last trip, I started with a winning session and that gave me confidence that I good win. I didn't sweat the bad beats and bad players anymore because I WAS IN LAS VEGAS BABY and I KNEW I could beat these players if I just kept my head on straight.

    With that monkey off my back the rungood came and I had a very could trip at the tables.(both poker and craps ) and had an amazing time to boot.

    I say live a little, book the hotel and flight, and GO HAVE FUN!
  • Woot Woot...

    Just booked Vegas...

    Staying at MGM.. Never stayed there before, figured it's worth a try..

    This trip I've decided to do a couple of shows so if I go on a bad run again like last time, at least I'll feel like I did something other than lose.. ;)

    Anyone else going to be there?

    Woohoo.. I'm just so excited to not have to be at work for 10 days...

  • newguy31 wrote: »
    I'm just so excited to not have to be at work for 10 days...


    10 days in Vegas? don't think my body could handle that.
  • 10 Days!?! 4 days is really all most can handle - are you planning on grinding it out?
  • Sorry.. I should have clarified.. heheh.. I am going for 4 nights..

    Arrive Sunday at almost midnight :(

    Leave to come home Thursday at 11:00 am..

    But I am actually going to be away from work for 10 days total.. Not going back as soon as I get home.

    There is NO WAY I'd be able to do 10 days in Vegas..

  • I did seven days last time. It was a bit much, but I found by alternating days of gambling and doing something else worked best. We were lucky enough to have a car to get away from the Strip, which helped against getting too burnt out.
  • I've never been to Vegas, Why would you get burned out?

    Why is 10 days too much?
  • It is tough the first few times. However I love Vegas so much, I am finding it is better to go longer and go at a lower pace, as Johnnie says, alternating gambling with other activities/doing nothing. My next trip is 9 days and will be my longest yet.

    Time change/24 hr gambling - alcohol - food/so many casinos and things to do = very little rest and recharge time.

    I never come home from Vegas rested - always exhausted. Two days home and I can't wait to go again.
  • moose wrote: »
    I never come home from Vegas rested - always exhausted. Two days home and I can't wait to go again.

    I get plenty of rest. Then again I'm in bed by 12 tops :D
  • newguy31 wrote: »

    Staying at MGM.. Never stayed there before, figured it's worth a try..
    I've never stayed there, but I hear it can be a looooong walk from your room the casino.
    Remember to try the $20 trick when you check in. Maybe you'll get a better/closer room.
  • Sooooo jealous!!

    I've only been once - we stayed a week a a condo between the MGM and PH. Played tourneys mostly, low ball stuff but managed to cash and keep our roll going plus Sonny got lucky at 3-card so that helped keep us in buy-ins too.

    We referred to this link:

    Las Vegas Poker Tournaments, Schedule and Ratings

    I thought it was a great resource to help wade through all the available tourneys.
    EDIT: just noticed the link's kinda old - most schedules were still valid when we went though.

    Have a great time and let us know how this trip went for you when you get back.

    Bon Voyage!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Remember to try the $20 trick when you check in. Maybe you'll get a better/closer room.

    Think all the rooms are in the same bank of elevators. You have to walk around 10 minutes to get through the casino to the strip. The poker room is really large and busy. Spreads good limits, not just 1/2.

    I usually play 1/2 or 1/3 in Vegas but last trip I played 2/5 and it was a world of difference. A lot more cannons at 2/5. I find the lower limits are really tight. Too many people buying in short as well. Hate tables full of $60 stacks. What's the point?
  • I've never been to Vegas, Why would you get burned out?

    Why is 10 days too much?

    Don't really know what they're talking about.....been there 3 weeks at a time before......and still didn't want to leave.

    I think you just have to make sure you have 5 hrs sleep on average....you should be fine.

    All nighers are OK, as long as you catch up on the sleep at some point.

    Shorter trips, I do seem to go harder (ie. drinking gambling)....and need to sleep for a day when arriving home....but that's kind of planned.
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