Side Bet Stories.

What is the best side bet you have ever made? And what was the result?

My best side was..... Me and a coworker were trash talking each other all day about poker. So we decided to make an ongoing side bet. The agreement was if we got heads up at anytime in any tournament the loser had to something to their hair! This guy loves his hair! So if he lost he would have to shave his head and since I already had short hair, I would have to dye me hair florescent blue for 3 weeks. I ended up winning the bet within two games. It was so funny after, the guy looked like uncle fester ! We killed the ongoing bet after that game.


  • I'll answer for JohnnieH:

    So far it's been Zsa Zsa . . .
  • I have a few that I have been part of:

    1. During a break in a tournament at the Venetian we got 3 guys to line up including myself to have a hat throwing contest. I won.

    2. At the WSOP this year betrthanphil and I played red/black for about 2 hours and I was up 12 units, ended up a total of 6 units which i parlayed into a BAP for one of his WSOP events :)

    3. At that same time I witnessed ANGEL win some money off of betrthanphil when he bet her that she couldn't throw a juice bottle into a garbage can from about 15 feet away. Nothing but net.
  • lol yeah I lost quite a few there. I love side bets and am always good for some action haha. In a sng at the rio the guy to my left is like lets bet on who loses first but we cant tell anyone so no one knows. so we both write a seat on a piece of paper who we think will lose first. I thought that was a fun one lol
    Another one was instead of red black, we each picked a card like a 5 for example if it came on the flop then you win 1 unit, if its the middle card on the flop its 2 units, and if its a spade its 2 units. so the most you can win on 1 flop is 5 units if the board comes off three 5's with the 5s on board. it was fun but i picked a horrible card and lost like 12 units or something. he picked 7 which is apparently like the best card to pick and I picked a J which is not a good card to pick lol.
  • I have a side/prop bet that I am waiting for the Royal to unveil, might give it a test run at the WSPC. Like the red/black game, it involves what cards appear on the board.
  • Really the only side bet I ever made involved a president of a poker company. He had won a "championship" event, $1,500 buy in with 30 players. So when I asked for predictions of who would win another event he happened to be playing in, when I didn't select him on the poll, he joked that I had forgotten a top pick.

    I then started a new poll, here on PFC somewhere, with a few options. Since I was talking shit, and I don't have a ring, I believe the terms were if he should happen to win, I would walk through the final table crowd in a pair of his brands panties, complete with logo and bow before him and kiss the ring. A few local well inland also took the line I had set, agreeing to same terms.

    Lucky for us, he didn't make Day 2.
  • jontm wrote: »
    I would walk through the final table crowd in a pair of his brands panties, complete with logo and bow before him and kiss the ring.
    oh man that would of sucked!!
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