tony g vs hellmuth on the big game

Wanted to hear peoples views on this. The latest episode of the big game hellmuth is sitting with like 30k and tony either straddled or double straddled dont remember and then phil potted it to 6600 and tony g looked at his hand quick and said all in. Also claiming he didnt look at his hand. Little talk goes on tony g even gives hachem his cards and say look and tell hellmuth if i looked, and he looks but says im not getting involved. Hellmuth is says something along the lines of so you didnt look yada yada and tony goes on to say the viewers know i didnt look you can ask joe he knows i didnt look and hellmuth then calls with ajos. tony did look and had aks.
bad etiquette?

I believe it was a brilliant play, this is a visual game where your suppose to pay attention to the action. Do you really think he would just shove all in without looking and then tell you he didnt look lol. Lying goes on at the poker table all the time. They compared it to yelling at someone during their backswing in golf.
just wanted to hear others views on it.

heres a link if you wanna see it, about 18 min in
The Big Game 2 - Week 6, Episode 2 on


  • part of the game for sure, ill always wonder what Hellmouths deal is...
  • yeah I think it's fine
  • It's fairly bad etiquette and if hachem says anything else than what he's saying it's basically collusion lol. On any other game I'd bash it, here it's more ok cause it makes for good TV
  • i'm under the impression that tony g and hellmuth have an understanding. tony g pays back all the money he wins from hellmuth after the game. they both agree to act like this because it's good television and it makes them both popular and exciting for the fans.

    and besides, without hellmuth tony g would just be a fat, ugly, obnoxious guy who never wins at poker.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i'm under the impression that tony g and hellmuth have an understanding. tony g pays back all the money he wins from hellmuth after the game. they both agree to act like this because it's good television and it makes them both popular and exciting for the fans.

    and besides, without hellmuth tony g would just be a fat, ugly, obnoxious guy who never wins at poker.

    Thats quite the statement, I assume you have a reliable source for this? and wow someone must be steaming from the pokerstars beat to take a shot like that lol fat, ugly and obnoxious haha wonder if you would say that to him? Im pretty sure he does pretty well at poker and probably doesnt complain about his little beats in microstakes haha
  • Remember when people used to just play the fucking game?

    Seriously, all this hollywooding, angle shooting, and self-glamorizing is bullshit. Play the game.

  • lol^^

    I often wonder if Hellmuth is levelling everyone on tv and playing that way to alter his image to the rest of the world....

  • reibs wrote: »

    I often wonder if Hellmuth is levelling everyone on tv and playing that way to alter his image to the rest of the world....


    I also think this way, more so with Negreanu, acts like he never folds so people wont bluff him.
  • reibs wrote: »

    I often wonder if Hellmuth is levelling everyone on tv and playing that way to alter his image to the rest of the world....

    yup i always think 'theres no way a guy with this much respect (although less and less every time he plays) and whos made this much money can possibley play a game like poker with such emotional swings'...
  • fat ugly obnoxious noob sounds about right though, doesn't it? I wouldn't say it to his face just as I wouldn't insult others needlessly to their faces unless they were being annoying but the discription does seem pretty accurate judging from what I've seen from him on TV and on pokerstars showdown vs Viktor Blom
  • yeah but thats his edge, talking getting under peoples skin, so were are gonna call him fat and ugly for that, time to grow up fellas
  • I'm pretty sure that would be the obnoxious part <.< The rest is based on looks
  • im not even a tony g fan, but come on why are we bringing fat and ugly into this what does that have to do with anything. whatever thats not wat this thread is about, just from what Ive heard its like 50/50 from everyone i asked and I wanted to see a more dominate side as I think its not a bad move but wanted to see if I was wrong.
  • He's annoying. This is a pretty horrible move if he's doing it for any other reason than trying to get people to hate him cause he's on TV as an image thing. tony has been getting out of line over and over against on this show and the only reason he's allowed to play is cause the producers like the drama. Som say it brings an "interesting dynamic" to the table but that's just another way of saying that he's allowed to come back and be a horrible person at the felt again and again cause it improves the ratings.

    angle shooting and bad manners aren't cool, you could argue this move is smart but you could also argue flapping your hands in front of the guy next to you shouting "I'm not touching you" is smart cause it distrupts his focus, it's still bad etiquette and the only reason I tolerate it is cause it serves a purpouse on TV
  • No matter how you cut it, this is just plain bad. Irregardless whether or not it's good for tv or ok to angle, the issue here is it will not attract "fish" and will drive away so many, leaving less money for the decent players to fight over. Doing the whole game a disservice..
  • That has to be bad etiquette but it is TV - in a live situation without cameras I am sure the would get more than an earful and have more than Phil as an enemy!
  • This will not bring players to the game to play! Its ok to steal from the rich and give to the poor, but do it fairly tony G!
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