Looking for advice

I am on holidays this week and heading up to the inlaws cottage / home and am planning to go to Rama on Friday. But after looking at ye old budget realize that I only have $400 in the poker account with two tournaments coming up that I really want to play in (Westside and the $200 tourney in Brantford).

Question is, should I go to Rama, figuring to make a profit. Or save the dough for the tournies.


  • Its ONLY money. Just do another February Bankroll Bash and earn it back.
  • I'm gonna jump out on a limb and say play what you have fun playing the most.
  • You are hesitant, seemingly, to take the shot at Rama, given the state of your roll. This would lead me to suggest that you pass on Rama this weekend.
  • Depends entirely on how much time you wish to spend with your inlaws...
  • Rama for profit
  • Grinding Cash >>>> luckfesting touneys

    Why go for a high skew/variance tourney.
  • Not sure what it is but I do better in tournaments than I do in cash games. I ended up going to Rama and finished my night down one buyin. Fortunately, I finished 3rd at Westside and made enough to register for Brantford's tourney tomorrow as well.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    not sure what it is but i do better in tournaments than i do in cash games. I ended up going to rama and finished my night down one buyin. Fortunately, i finished 3rd at westside and made enough to register for brantford's tourney tomorrow as well.

    /\ brag alert!
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