More of an opinion from peeps that know me please

Just something that came up in Brantford on Thursday:

Do I need to speak up at the table, as in "ME", I dont think im much of a low talker in the hand, Im calm and always the same level when in a hand I think, when i annocunce my raise or fold, or all-in what have you, then slow down and make it a whole production thats just how I operate blah blah.

I moved in at BCC on thursday during re-buys, threw in the call while annocuncing the guy fully accross the table didnt hear me, nor the dealer, although the 2 on my left AND 2 on my right heard me announce it, I was in seat 8....anyways how the hand ended up doesnt matter, the point Im wondering is if I need to speak up, this would actually bring alot of work to my game as I think I have good control upon the tells that I give off already.


  • When I am announcing a raise or all in I usually make eye contact with the dealer and then say what I am doing.

    But usually I don't say anything and just put enough chips for a raise or push my whole stack in for all in
  • Not to pick nits, but if you were in seat 8, wouldn't the dealer have 2 to your left? Or were the tables 10 handed?

    Also, I do not think that raising your voice a bit would be any sort of tell, so long as you were consistent in your volume change. Other than that, what Steve said works just as well.
  • I find it more smooth, to announce what Im doing, putting in the call before counting out the raise, keeping it slow....I have a tone that I keep and yes, 10 handed, so 2 people then dealer, if 4 people heard me in the immediate range, I wouldnt think Im that quiet.

    Ive actually put enough live time in, that my voice is at the consistant level I keep my voice at no matter where I am or sitting....havent really noticed an issue unless headphones are involed...and if you have headphones on AT ALL and cant hear me too bad!!
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    When I am announcing a raise or all in I usually make eye contact with the dealer and then say what I am doing.

    But usually I don't say anything and just put enough chips for a raise or push my whole stack in for all in

    I did actually look, and say "Im all-in" thorwing in the call before moving the rest of my chips....then was told I wasnt heard, it was confusing at the time
  • Final ruling was what? I am guessing "call", unless your neighbours were stand-up folks.
  • they actually were, it totally worked out that way, the other guy was upset a bit, then called off with 2nd pair thinking i was making a move on a strange pot where I made a set.....I said to him in all fairness after he flipped up his hand, I kept mine face down after I moved in, they said "he moved in" they all chirped up saying I said it, I pretty much told em all to shut it after, then said "We can call the floor?" which then I probably would have lost the arguement based on the dealer not hearing, but then he said nah and I call so I flipped up my set

    Its good to be nice to the people you sit beside sometimes!! Its just everyone else I sit beside on the forums that I hate lol, Im kidding to anyone who would actually think Im serious...unless your Johnnie which somehow no matter where or when it is, somehow Im constantly beside him!:P

    In no way am I complaining, nor did he, was actually good with it when we talked on break mentioning how the dealer more influenced what had happened within the hand than myself, Im mroe trying to figure out from people that Ive played with on the forum if Im a low talker or not when I playout hands and such....if this is something I need to change then so be it, I enjoy my game the way I play it but sometimes you have to roll with things
  • I've only played with you once and I had no issue hearing you at the final table, but the room was fairly quiet. If I think there will be any chance people might not be able to hear me, and I want to raise I'll count out the chips in front of me then push them out in one motion. If I'm going all in, I just push all my chips out.

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