Where are all the poker players?

Is it just me or does anyone else wonder why the internet is not flooded with forum posts from the people whom Full Tilt owes money to?

I for one was lucky in that I withdrew my total balance back in Dec of 2010 and actually got it :o. I didn't have any luck in 2011 at all. And after Black Friday my luck got even worse, but I never deposited any large amounts, and was on holidays when the final axe came, and my account was 0.
But the last time I played there were over 60,000 players online. Surely some of these players had some decent bank rolls. Why when I search for things like "FT owes me money", do I not come up with major blog and forum posts from these people.

I am beginning to believe the "online poker is a scam" theories. :-\

Just my 2 cents worth. Interested to know others theories. Consider myself lucky there are a couple casino,s within an hour of me. Because I do enjoy playing poker :)



  • DonkeyAl wrote: »
    Dec of 2011 and actually got it :o. I didn't have any luck in 2012 at

    Can I borrow the DeLorean for awhile?
  • Wait til 2014 when the real action begins. I had a sick run in March 2014...
  • Your sure to get your threads tomorrow, Alderney hearing at 10 am London time, or about 11 hours from now.

    Can't wait to see what bullshit comes out of there. On a bit of a side note, kudos to Timex for saying F@&k You FTP on his latest Cardrunners blog.
  • jontm wrote: »
    Your sure to get your threads tomorrow, Alderney hearing at 10 am London time, or about 11 hours from now.

    This /\/\/\. I imagine most people with $$$ trapped on FTP's server are waiting/hoping that any buy-out includes a restitution clause for all players. My FTP roll was < $100.00 so I do not care much either way (would prefer to get it back, obv.). But all those bankrolls would, I believe, fall under the category of unsecured creditors. That means the potential exists for everyone to be SOL.

    Clock is ticking . . .
  • Not worth bitching about ftp here. If you want that info there is plenty on 2+2. Besides we run our forum games on pokerstars.
  • Wait, we might not hear anything at all!!! FTP calling for closed hearing and everything leading up to now (investor rumors) appearing to be a stall tactic. Suprise Suprise.
  • What a joke this company is.....
  • closed hearing = something to hide

    more precisely, closed hearing ======> something to hide

    May Raymond Bitar, in a moment of sanity, go copulate with a meat grinder.
  • closed hearing = something to hide

    Got a new foil hat didn't you?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Got a new foil hat didn't you?

    Shhhhhhhh! He's putting my kids through college!
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Shhhhhhhh! He's putting my kids through college!

    If you think I'm going to lose THAT much money to you, you're dreaming.

    And before you taunt the fish like some amateur, you need to learn a few basic things about being a pro. Such as how to keep weaker players at the table with you instead of driving them away to feed your ego.
  • Don't tap.
  • literation wrote: »
    Don't tap.

    With Cerb, that's actually a good line. Kudos, sir . . . kudos.
  • If you think I'm going to lose THAT much money to you, you're dreaming.

    And before you taunt the fish like some amateur, you need to learn a few basic things about being a pro. Such as how to keep weaker players at the table with you instead of driving them away to feed your ego.

    You really need to quit thinking everyone is picking on you. It was a joke. Try to just have a little fun and stop taking yourself so seriously. It's the interwebs, not the end of the world.

    Also, just to make sure you actually understood what I meant by my original comment, it was about selling you tinfoil hats, not your poker ability. As far as I know, I've yet to play a hand against you, so I have nothing to go on about your ability. It was also a quote from The Simpsons, where the guy with the hot dog cart is following Homer around.

    Finally, I don't know where you got the idea I'm a pro. Pretty sure you need more than a single digit bankroll to do that, unless the collapse of Full Tilt has really brought the ceiling down :)
  • I try not to complain about bad beats
  • Milo wrote: »
    Got a new foil hat didn't you?

    If you're going to use crude 19th-century insults then you can pay for you own gas money.
  • If you're going to use crude 19th-century insults then you can pay for you own gas money.

    Oh grow up . . . if you think that the only reason for a judicial body to hold a closed hearing is because there is "something to hide" than you're an 21st century idiot. How about closing a hearing to protect identities of people who, though not materially involved in the matter being discussed, have something to lose by being associated with said proceedings?
  • I have been back here for all of about 3.5 seconds but when did everyone get so whiny?

    You know Kristy would break her foot off in all your asses if she was to see what this forum has become :(
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    I have been back here for all of about 3.5 seconds but when did everyone get so whiny?

    You know Kristy would break her foot off in all your asses if she was to see what this forum has become :(

    Oh, she still sees what goes on around here:

    Kristy_Sea Last Activity: Jul 21,2011 03:57 PM
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    You know Kristy would break her foot off in all your asses if she was to see what this forum has become :(

    You mean a tad more civilized? ;)
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    I have been back here for all of about 3.5 seconds but when did everyone get so whiny?

    You know Kristy would break her foot off in all your asses if she was to see what this forum has become :(

    Oh don't worry, I fill her in on the real good stuff.
  • Milo wrote: »
    You mean a tad more civilized? ;)

    I think you misunderstood what Kristy truly brought to this forum...

    and I mean besides tits...
  • There's still lots of tits around this place . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    There's still lots of tits around this place . . .

    Your man-boobs don't count. :D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Your man-boobs don't count. :D

    HAHAHAHAHA way to go Hobbes!:laugh:
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