AK on missed flops

Just curious as to how you guys play this hand in the low limit world of online poker. I'm playing .50-1 limit primarily, and I think AK may be one of my major leaks. I'll raise PF with it, and generally I'll bet out on missed flops with it if checked to me (I try to stay on the offensive). Most loose low-limit players I find are completely incapable of folding ANY hand for one small bet on the flop in a raised pot. They'll call with small pockets (with 3 overcards on the board, A high, 3rd pair, a gutshot, backdoor flush draw, etc... I think I'm wasting bets here in early position since if it's raised behind me, I'm sure I'm beat and should get out. If it's called I have no idea where I stand, and have to check the turn showing weakness (unless I hit). Is this an automatic check-fold in early position (assuming I have only overcard outs)?

Late position I'm often tempted to call one small bet if there's a few callers and prepared to check-fold the turn if I don't improve. If I'm feeling particularly aggressive I may raise on the button trying to buy a free card on the turn.


  • Ed Millers Take on your 'Major Leak'

    Small Pot, let it go. Large pot defend it.

    But like he says, it's likely not your biggest leak.

    Edit: If you get 3-bet preflop, its almost always a pocket pair of some sort. So count your outs.
  • Here is the thing. I am a tighter player, but if I miss the flop with an A-K offsuite. And I mean totally miss it, no pair, no flush draw, no nothing. I fold. I am not going anywhere. No turn, no river. Like I said, I am a more cautious player but I save money doing this... thats just me though.
  • if the board is non threatening, rainbow 3-ragged unpaired board, ill fire another bet on the flop, if UI by turn , i chk and hope for free river or drop it like its hot
  • Pigga wrote:
    ...and hope for free river or drop it like its hot


    If Snoop Dogg were a poker player, it might sound a little like this:

    If the flop completely misses you...drop it like its haaawwt...drop it like its haaawwt;
    If the board is lookin' scary....drop it like its haaawwt...drop it like its haaawwt;
    If you bet and some guy raises it...drop it like its haaawwt...drop it like its haaawwt;

    I've got my AK in the hole;
    And I raised it preflop;
    But the flop completely missed me;
    And so now I gotta drop...

    Cheers :)
  • LOL

    thats what i was going for.....just waiting for someone to break out the rap!

    very nice!
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