GG Elwy Yost

Died of natural causes.

Longtime TV host Elwy Yost dies at 86 -  News - MSN CA

I remember him from Magic Shadows. Used to watch it every week because it was on one of the three channels on which we got good reception. Who can forget the intro?

‪Magic Shadows Intro‬‏ - YouTube


  • I just noticed this as well. I never watched that show, but I remembered him doing that educational computer show on TV Ontario. Can't remember the name... "Bits and bytes" maybe? I seem to remember Luba Goy was his cohost. That helped me along in early geekdom.
  • I just noticed this as well. I never watched that show, but I remembered him doing that educational computer show on TV Ontario. Can't remember the name... "Bits and bytes" maybe? I seem to remember Luba Goy was his cohost. That helped me along in early geekdom.

  • Also host of Saturday Night at the Movies on TVO.

    First place I ever saw Pride of the Yankees, when I was a kid. Baseball fan for life after that.
  • Also host of Saturday Night at the Movies on TVO.

    gg +1
  • Also host of Saturday Night at the Movies on TVO.

    My Nan (bless her soul) used to call Elwy her Saturday night date and told him so when she saw him in a grocery store. GG Mr. Yost
  • Glad to see that no one will cash in on Elwy's final curtain. Learned to appreciate the classics from Mr. Yost on many a Saturday night. First time I ever saw "Sink the Bismark", it was introduced by Elwy, after a moving interview with one of the survivors of HMS Hood (look it up kiddies).
  • How old are you guys? Holy man......

    I Googled the friggin guy and I still have no clue who this is. Was he on TV shortly after it's invention?
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Died of natural causes.

    Longtime TV host Elwy Yost dies at 86 - *News - MSN CA

    I remember him from Magic Shadows. Used to watch it every week because it was on one of the three channels on which we got good reception. Who can forget the intro?

    ‪Magic Shadows Intro‬‏ - YouTube

    Wow. Thanks for that. I forgot about Magic Shadows. My favourite part was always the smiling gorilla at the end.

    Bits and Bytes - probably have that show on video tape somewhere.

    Also who knew Don Knotts played the piano?
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