Personal Rules for Online Poker

I remember back in '99 i moved to ottawa for the summer between my 2-3 yr of university to get any job and be around all the women. I worked at some make your own wine place which was awesome because i could always bring home a bottle of 3 or 4 day old finished wine and get plastered for free (which was nice-making like 8$/hr) and hit up the bars afterwards.
I worked with this super cool dude who was five yrs older than me who had a list of rules of what needed to be done if he was to do hallucinogenic drugs so he wouldnt have a bad trip. Stuff like, be around at least one person you would trust with your life, not have had a fight with his girlfriend. Simple things that really made sense.

Brings me to ONline Poker.

I thinks i need one of these common sense lists for playing cards.
1) Too tired to play? don't play
2) Making moves because you dont care? dont play
2) Not enough time to finish what you start? dont play

The list is much bigger, but you get the picture. I dont know that i actually enjoy playing online, but without viable, realistic options to see flops i once in a while see e-flops. There are literally times im so bored of it, almost like the money is more like credits on a video game, rather than actual real world coinage.

Im a poker version of my mens league hockey team. Once a week for an hour. Not going to get better but not the worst on my team.

ANybody else have any idiosyncracies?


  • what matters to me the most even though im not stellar at my playing time vs./learning time...
  • Is it a game you can beat regularly? Or is it a hobby you enjoy (as most of us do i assume since this is a poker forum) and want to hold your own?
    I guess its a question of philosophy...Is it WORTH your time to be better at it? At what expense i wonder does 'owning' online games come with.

    I dont have the time thats for sure. But when i do play i way prefer to play live, if only for the social aspect
  • oops.

    just saw that not too long ago comp talked about some of these aspects.
  • oops.

    just saw that not too long ago comp talked about some of these aspects.

    lol, but it is definitely a reasonable approach for many of us who do not aspire to make any significant money at it but do want it to be a hobby that doesn't cost us a lot. For me it became the competitive replacement for team sports, which I never was that good at, just like poker. ;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, but it is definitely a reasonable approach for many of us who do not aspire to make any significant money at it but do want it to be a hobby that doesn't cost us a lot. For me it became the competitive replacement for team sports, which I never was that good at, just like poker. ;)

    Did you fall asleep on the bench during games too ? :)
  • Hey !!! He stayed awake the whole night yesterday . . .
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Did you fall asleep on the bench during games too ? :)

    Carefull, something might get retracted....
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hey !!! He stayed awake the whole night yesterday . . .

    Fooled you didn't I? Those glasses worked..!
  • I'm very proud of having stuck to my stop loss in the year 2011. Online poker always _ends up_ being a disappointment to me, but there are still long stretches when I enjoy playing it. It's an old and tired but true saying that everything you do these days costs money, and online poker is no different. The real difference is whether playing online poker is significantly different from playing blackjack, and for me it is. I have more of a feeling of being involved an in control when playing poker than I would if I were to play games against the house. That feeling might be fallacious, but it's real, and it's worth the pittance I spend on online poker.

    Now, if the online poker sites would only be less predictable in how their software operates. The universal pattern for me is: (1) make deposit; (2) go on initial heater with earnings of 200 bb/100; (3) go on subsequent cooler with losses of -500 bb/100; (4) sewer out and move to a different site for a while. What, do they imagine the initial heater is going to keep fooling me forever? Unlikely.

    There is also one satisfying thing about online poker that you don't get from live poker: if the nine other players at my table include six personal friends who are playing off each other, at least I can't see it, whereas in live poker that kind of thing is impossible to miss. The result is the same, so what really matters is peace of mind.
  • The result is the same, so what really matters is the Result
  • I'm not even touching that piece of tinfoil..... I may be accused of who knows what..
  • compuease wrote: »
    I'm not even touching that piece of tinfoil..... I may be accused of who knows what..

    I think your new member is quickly running out of places to play. Brantford is full of cheaters and online action is rigged. Thank god i guess for forum games...or are those rigged too!

    I mean, i did go to AJ's and finish 2nd...if thats not rigged i dont know what is.>:D
  • I'm very proud of having stuck to my stop loss in the year 2011. Online poker always _ends up_ being a disappointment to me, but there are still long stretches when I enjoy playing it. It's an old and tired but true saying that everything you do these days costs money, and online poker is no different. The real difference is whether playing online poker is significantly different from playing blackjack, and for me it is. I have more of a feeling of being involved an in control when playing poker than I would if I were to play games against the house. That feeling might be fallacious, but it's real, and it's worth the pittance I spend on online poker.

    Now, if the online poker sites would only be less predictable in how their software operates. The universal pattern for me is: (1) make deposit; (2) go on initial heater with earnings of 200 bb/100; (3) go on subsequent cooler with losses of -500 bb/100; (4) sewer out and move to a different site for a while. What, do they imagine the initial heater is going to keep fooling me forever? Unlikely.

    There is also one satisfying thing about online poker that you don't get from live poker: if the nine other players at my table include six personal friends who are playing off each other, at least I can't see it, whereas in live poker that kind of thing is impossible to miss. The result is the same, so what really matters is peace of mind.

    For the TL/DR crowd...

    "I feel more in control of my fortunes in poker than I do in Blackjack, but I'm probably wrong"

    "The poker sites have a pattern they force you through whenever you make a deposit - classic conditioning to keep you hooked"

    "I'm sure there are tables where 2/3 of the players are colluding"

    Dude, you really really liked the x-files didn't you? Is Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" on your PVR? If I told you I had a copy of Catcher in the Rye, would I still be invited to play?

  • Thank god i guess for forum games...or are those rigged too! >:D

    See Buzzzardd's pity thread in BBV for your answer . . . ^-^
  • If I am PMSing I tend to stay away from online poker.
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