Face of Poker?

Who would you say is the face of poker? People who are only casual players could tell you who they are.

Is it a slam dunk Negreanu? He is the leading man of Pokerstars and they are the worlds largest poker site.


  • Negreanu, Ivey, Hellmuth, Antonio and Laak (close seconds to Dneg) Ferguson and nowadays Durrr. for sure Negreanu, but for me personally he almost become "white noise". He is always there somewhere, but I'm more interested in players like Mizzi, Buchanan, Mueller...course 2 years ago, barely knew of them after already being in the game for 3. Wrong game I guess.
  • Doyle Brunson in the US

    Daniel Negreanu in Canada
  • jontm wrote: »
    Negreanu, Ivey, Hellmuth, Antonio and Laak (close seconds to Dneg) Ferguson and nowadays Durrr. for sure Negreanu, but for me personally he almost become "white noise". He is always there somewhere, but I'm more interested in players like Mizzi, Buchanan, Mueller...course 2 years ago, barely knew of them after already being in the game for 3. Wrong game I guess.
    Antonio and Laak are fun to watch. My opinion would be Doyle and D Neg are the face of poker. Lets not forget about Mike the Mouth. lol.
  • Negreanu's goofball act wears thin quickly. I don't think he's fooling anyonde with it any more.

    For many women the face of poker is Vanessa Rousso, or perhaps Annie Duke.

    EDIT: For me, the face of poker always has been and always will be Doyle. David Sklansky would rival him if he showed his face at the tables enough.
  • Negreanu's goofball act wears thin quickly. I don't think he's fooling anyonde with it any more.

    For many women the face of poker is Vanessa Rousso, or perhaps Annie Duke.

    EDIT: For me, the face of poker always has been and always will be Doyle. David Sklansky would rival him if he showed his face at the tables enough.

    I'm not sure what Daniel Negreanu being a "Goofball" has anything to do with anything.. and what would people be falling for? lol
  • the 'poker brat' is going to have fits since he wasn't automatically hailed as the king!
  • DNeg in Canada and Ivey in the US. Even my mom knows who Ivey is.
  • He long gone and all but say he lived "Stu Unger" would make the scene quite exciting, Ive done some reading up on things about him playing with Phil Hellmuth...not saying anyone hard to read or whatever, Stu had something big on Phil that just make him look bad.....Poker News, Online Poker Reviews & Bonus Offers - CardPlayer.com do a search theres a few good ones
  • Stu Ungar showed up on another forum a few months ago. He's had personal issues but is trying to get back into poker now.
  • Stu Ungar showed up on another forum a few months ago. He's had personal issues but is trying to get back into poker now.

    were not talking about the same guy....Im talking about the dead one, 3 time world champ
  • Stu Ungar showed up on another forum a few months ago. He's had personal issues but is trying to get back into poker now.

    You're talking about HVEE :D
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    You're talking about HVEE :D

    its almost too bad I never met him....but I can still laugh!
  • I think you would have to define for which face.

    For entertainment I would pick the Mikes,s, Neg, Laak, and probably early Hanson.

    For skill, not that any of the above are not extremely skilled players but I would pick Brunson, Ferguson, and Elezra
  • Online: Durrrr - Tom Dwan, OMG Clay Aiken - Phil Galfond, Isildur - Viktor Bloom
    Live: Ivey, Daniel, Doyle
  • On-line - Ivey
    Live - Ivey
    Tourneys - Ivey

    Noticing a trend?
  • There is only 1, and thats the end.

    If I showed my mother random pictures of poker players there would be only 1 she could identify: Negreanu.

    This is not saying hes the best player.

    This is not saying that amongst casual or regular players he's the face.

    This is saying that to the average shmuck he is the only one they could pick out. Hes marketed and promoted himself superbly to put himself in this position.

    I dont think Ivey would be significantly recognized. He's such a recluse and aside from a few Tilt television ads hes not publicly active.
  • Stu Ungar showed up on another forum a few months ago. He's had personal issues but is trying to get back into poker now.

  • Ivey being the best in the world, ya probably Im not about to argue, as for the face, he trys to stay humble well and pulls it off...if you wouldnt see him on TV or know who he is, just a crazy guy constantly making a move.

    Negreanu or maybe the in your face Phil Hellmuth, they try hard to market themselfs constantly to bring poker to new heights, as for their skill its not nearly important as they market themselfs. Of course they can both play poker well or least well enough to stay in the black!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Doyle Brunson in the US

    Daniel Negreanu in Canada

    I would agree with these, although for people who only occasionally watch poker on TV, they may recognize Mike Sexton as the WPT commentator more readily than any of the players.

  • I'm sorry, there is only one guy with crossover appeal who has and will continue to show up in non-poker endevours and pimps himself at every turn.

    Phil Hellmuth and it's not even close.

    He's part of every years WSOP main event coverage DESPITE not making the final table.

    He also does pretty much every televised poker show, when's the last time Ivey showed up on one?

    For non-poker playing people, it's Annie Duke, the Apprentice appearance made this one a slam dunk too.
  • zunni74 wrote: »

    For non-poker playing people, it's Annie Duke, the Apprentice appearance made this one a slam dunk too.

    Excuse me...I must hurl :bs::-[:bs::-[
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Excuse me...I must hurl :bs::-[:bs::-[

    I'm serious. No-one I work with plays poker, but every single one of them asked me about Annie Duke while she was on the TV. They wanted to know if she was any good, if I'd ever played with her (like we are a secret society that gets together in small groups to play tourneys etc) etc.
  • Negreanu's goofball act wears thin quickly. I don't think he's fooling anyonde with it any more.

    For many women the face of poker is Vanessa Rousso, or perhaps Annie Duke.

    EDIT: For me, the face of poker always has been and always will be Doyle. David Sklansky would rival him if he showed his face at the tables enough.

    Vanessa Rousso is a Beautyyy!
    And DN is pretty yippy sometimes

    Furthermore i agree that thanks to pokerstars DN he has been boosted. Hellmuth is important with 11 bracelets.
    Ivey is one of the top ranked players in the world right now.

    But Tony G is my absolute favourite
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