Brantford tomorrow

Haven't played live for quite a while and I'm jonesing for the feel of chips in my hand. Bad enough that I'm going to go against my better judgement and play the $100 freezeout at BCC tomorrow. Anyone else going?


  • I was planning on it, but had a change of plans.

    Let me know how it plays. Pretty sure it's going to play like a 45/90 man turbo.
  • Friday? I can be there 3 ish.
  • I'm living in Simcoe, and I'm planning on going to one of these in the near future. Most likely mid August to late August depending on the buy in.(No more then 150$). I will send a thread out if there is not one already on when I'm going to go. I have played in 2 of these tournies, i got 25th in a 100$ buy in and second last in the 200$ buy in. My game has changed since then so I'm real anxious to play.
  • In a nutshell, I should have wasted my time golfing.

    Got walked with AA. Lost with QQ's and AK with 4XBB pre flop raises against J6o and 69o respectively. Ground out those bad beats enought ot be sitting with 8k at the end of level 6, only to have this happen.

    Blinds 300/600 get KK UTG +1 raise it to 2000 folded around to small blind who is only caller. Flop comes J46 two spades. I check he bets 1500 I shove he calls and I shake my head as he shows 44.
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