poker vs. blackjack

This is another unofficial poll. If you were not able to play live poker, would a game played against the house, such as blackjack, be a fit substitute for you?

I'll vote first by saying no. I avoid the sucker games at casinos. If I'm waiting for a seat at a poker table I just cool my heels instead of playing novelty games.


  • i don't gamble. i only play poker.
  • I used to play "Magic the gathering" a lot in my younger days, a a pro tourney I realized the game is more based upon luck of pulling the cards than dont get the cards you lose badly!!....(cant bluff here!!)

    Poker on the other hand, you dont get the cards, you can bluff, if you dont want to then wait and wait and wait and wait, yes luck is involed and huge none the less but there is some kind of control.

    Define gambling, that can be on almost ANYTHING, getting in your car when its low on gas and thinking you can get somewhere lol.

    Back to the real question, what would I do if poker didnt exist, with my free time probably take up sleeping!!
  • getem76 wrote: »

    Define gambling, that can be on almost ANYTHING, getting in your car when its low on gas and thinking you can get somewhere lol.

    Lol. Used to do this all the time until I bought a car I actually liked.

    Craps is obviously the best odds against the house. When the shooter is hot, it's actually more fun than poker.
  • +1, although I am just another cultist in the Church of moose.
  • Milo wrote: »
    +1, although I am just another cultist in the Church of moose.

    Bless (or curse?) that man and his craps table!
  • . . . and his Blackjack table, the roulette wheel, his massive chip collection , casino grade dice.
  • Blackjack tables and TNL cashgame tables draw a different crowd, everyone knows that, isn't this question a bit pointless? Every poker player knows that blackjack vs the house is -EV, at least every poker player who visit poker forums
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    Blackjack tables and TNL cashgame tables draw a different crowd, everyone knows that, isn't this question a bit pointless? Every poker player knows that blackjack vs the house is -EV, at least every poker player who visit poker forums

    I fully expected everyone to say that either they don't play the novelty casino games or they just dabble at them while killing time waiting for a seat at a poker table. But I thought I'd ask anyway because it's better to know than to guess. :)
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