Poker Etiquette...give me a break

Wanted to know what you guys think about this.....

A few days ago at the Venetian, playing 2-5NL - 2 players go all in after the flop. As the dealer proceeds to finish the hand, one player asks the other if he had an overpair, the guy says ‘yes’. When it gets time to show, the guy didn’t have an overpair but won the hand by backing into a flush.

Some moron (who’s not even in the hand) starts going nuts at the guy for ‘lying’. The loser of the hand also goes bezerk… The winner starts to fight back and suddenly things are getting hilariously stupid.

Is this not insane?? The cards are out, all the money is in the middle, who cares what the guy says he had!! I understand it may be in poor taste but its poker, the most ‘evil’ game there is….other than cheating - IMO, anything goes…

or am I in the minority for thinking this way...


  • imagine how crazy theyd go if he said napkins and then he didn't acutally show napkins...
  • Trash talk about a hand that you or your opponent has is perfectly legitimate in poker. I have no idea what the others were so upset about. Now, if you fold your hand and the hand is still going on and you talk about the hand you folded, _that_ might be problematic. But if you're involved in the hand, you can say anything you want.
  • But if you're involved in the hand, you can say anything you want.

  • compuease wrote: »

    you're actually not allowed to be truthful about your hand while the hand is still in play. however, you can lie all you want.
  • Your at the casino, remember they are NOT your friends.

    Im not saying its right, but easy enough to do something like that
  • I agree that once the chips are in the middle it really does not matter.

    I personally would like to see more etiquette and less wild west play at the tables.
  • Was in a LHE game with those cheaters I mentioned. One of the cheaters was in the hand with the guy next to him (who was not a cheater) and when his turn was coming he said, "I'm a raisin," then checked. The other guy got really upset. The cheater explained that he had been saying he's a dried grape. He got away with it, probably because he's a shill. I so wish I had some evidence I could use to put Brantford out of business.
  • Was in a LHE game with those cheaters I mentioned. One of the cheaters was in the hand with the guy next to him (who was not a cheater) and when his turn was coming he said, "I'm a raisin," then checked. The other guy got really upset. The cheater explained that he had been saying he's a dried grape. He got away with it, probably because he's a shill. I so wish I had some evidence I could use to put Brantford out of business.

    I'd like to know how you're going to put an OLG casino out of business based on one or two 2/5 Limit players.

    Clearly the floor needed to be called to deal with this guy as he was at least being a douche with a horrible joke or at worst, angle shooting.

    That being said, playing low limit at BCC you're going to find the lowest class of people. I once saw a guy flop a boat in a raised hand with 69o. He said he had to call pre b/c it was "Big Lick". Good grief.
  • Sorry Johnnie. It's not my fault though! I knew you'd squirt milk outta your nose if I said it! And I was right!
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