Congrats Mr and Mrs WildBill!

Congratulations to you both on the day of your wedding!


  • Welcome to the fraternity, Bill . . . you poor bastard (lolz). In all seriousness, I hope the two of you have a wonderful day. It's one of the few times where the cliche about being the first day of the rest of your life actually rings true.
  • Odds on wether or not he gets to post today?
  • 19:1, though posting from a phone means all bets are off. If he does, I am expecting some sort of rambling incoherency that ends with, "I love you guys . . ."
  • Guess my invite was in the mail. :-\

    Gratz bill

    So do we change his forum name to TamedBill? :D
  • Pics...or GTFO!!

    Seriously...have a great day Bill! it may be your last
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Seriously...have a great day Bill! it may be your last

    LMAO, a true married man!

    Congrats WildBill, have a great time of it.
  • So where's the trip report... and pics... or gtfo... :)
  • Thanks guys.... I wuv you guys...

    Trip report will come once I fully recover. We've downed two kegs over the past few days, countless bottles of liquor, countless cases of beer, I've kissed a 110lb beheaded pig on the lips (bbq'd of course), got married in a cowboy hat beside a pontoon boat and had a reception beside the caboose of a train converted into a dining car. My family met her family and no guns were drawn!

    Pics will follow when they arrive.

    Thanks again guys. I really can't believe that the day went by without a hitch except for forgetting to cook veggie lasagna for the veggies!

    Married life doesn't seem so bad so far.. But I was getting a little worried today when I actually couldn't remove the ring from my finger. Panic has subsided now though.
  • But I was getting a little worried today when I actually couldn't remove the ring from my finger. Panic has subsided now though.

    Be happy it was only on your finger. :D
  • Careful there, Bill . . . it only looks like a ring. It is actually a sophisticated GPS tracking system. You need to watch out for questions like,
    "Where have you been 'till this hour?", or
    "How long does it take to get a bag of milk and some eggs?"

    You've been warned . . . but not by me, okay?
  • So, just got the pics back this week. Some had asked to see pics or GTFO. The age of digital technology has changed things I'm guessing. I think we have well over 500 pictures, so of course I will only put up a few here.

    It's pretty fun being able to view them on a big flatscreen. Quite a difference than going through them on Mom's old photo albums like back in the old days.

    All dressed up and ready to go with the exception of the bolo tie requiring adjusting. Wild western theme obviously. The cowboy hat has now become my favourite hat to wear.

    The posse.

    Big bad Bob (My best man) waiting for everyone to get ready.

    Bob dragging me along the green mile. Our last minutes of freedom.

    My last seconds of freedom. Kept checking mental status to ensure consciousness, etc.

    Bob affirming his permission to allow someone else permanently into our lives.

    The star of the dinner portion... Henceforth referred to as Delia. Johnny Cash fans know what happened to Delia.

    Paying my respects to the beheaded Delia.

    110lbs of tasty.

    Redneck wine glasses. Mason jars with stems. Seemed appropriate.

    And finally..... Sealed with a kiss..
  • awwww, very nice... Glad Bob allowed it...
  • gratz Sir
  • Congrats Sir!

    Although I anticipated some post ceremony wolf-shirt shots!
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