Gaming Club Hand History Problem

Is anyone else having a problem downloading their hand histories files from the Gaming Club lately? The text file that I get is an error message saying that the file couldn't be downloaded. I emailed support, but they haven't gotten back to me yet. Anyone else having the same problem?



  • I was able to eventually get mine by sheer force of will via retrying so many times.. but I've heard reports from various other forums of problems, so it's totally on their end.
  • Thanks BBC Z.
  • We as well as Prima are aware of the current intermittent problems with the hand histories. Specifically the export feature. Prima are currently redeveloping the export feature entirely to fix this problem.

    That is all we have for now unfortunately and we'll make a posting once we get further updates on the hand history situation.

    Thanks for your patience in the interim.

    Kind Regards,
  • Prima are currently redeveloping the export feature entirely to fix this problem.

    Thanks for the response. You mention that Prima is redeveloping the export feature...might I suggest an auto-download log file similar to interpoker? It is VERY user-friendly.

  • Do you mean as in saving hand histories directly to your hard drive or something similar? If so, we've already put these suggestions forward to Prima.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Kind Regards,
  • Do you mean as in saving hand histories directly to your hard drive or something similar? If so, we've already put these suggestions forward to Prima.

    Yes, that's exactly what I meant...that would be fantastic, because there is currently such a lag when trying to download your files.

    Thanks again.
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