Nooo! I did it again!


I promised last time when i tilted that it wount happen never again!
But ofc you know already that it did, last night at gaming club i was
playing at 1/2 nolimit and lost few allins to another player and whats
even worst he laughed to me all the time. I flopped straight on first
one and called this maniacs allin with 2pair that turned to full house
and next i had flush on turn and went allin and he called with Th and
got high flush when i rivered heart. God dang i was crushed after this
i just lost control and went into 2/4 nolimit table tilted badly and lost 1400.
Now im broke and need to wait for deposit another 2 weeks. Why does
it happen? I know when im in tilt but still cant control it, i know when im
close to tilt but cant quit! Am i just a gambler that cant control his play?
I surely hope not!



  • Dam, lost your entire roll. This will keep happening, and will not be a one time thing. You will build, then tilt and lose it again until you learn control.

    Althought this has nothing to do about it, its like Negreanu when he was growing up as a Poker Pro. He has a alcohol problem and one day it hit the bricks for him when he went into a NL game drunk as heck, and woke up the next morning and his money box was empty. He lost 80K and didn't remember it. And this was way back when 80K was very significant to him.
  • Yep

    Can image that something like that would happen to me!
    I just hope i learn to control my self, but that has been
    always difficult to me.

  • Oh man, I feel for ya guy, but I think you really need to look at why you play. It's obviously not for fun. If it's business for you then you need to look within yourself to see what makes you tick. You need a plan for dealing with your emotions or else it will just keep happening. What are your triggers, you're not just sitting there enjoying yourself and then snapping on one bad beat. What builds to it. If you can identify that then you need the discipline to walk away when that starts happening, or any other thing you can do to calm your mind down. If getting ribbed in a chat box can set you off then just block the chat, I think all poker rooms give you that option.

    Anger isn't poker stuff, it's life stuff. I would be willing to bet you are the guy that hurls his golf bag into the pond when you duff a shot (I know I was). Once I learned to control my anger and put the problem in perspective things changed for me in golf for one, but more importantly in life. I could have never played poker back then. Now I can take the worst of it and it doesn't get the best of me.

    Good luck to you.
  • Can people include essentially advertising links as part of their signature? Granted if this person is being genuine about his play then that along with how he communicates hardly makes him/her the ideal spokesperson for anything poker related, however it just feels to me as if we are being bluffed and this is another way for him to include a link to his rakeback site in the online section without being pushed to the lesser read advertising section where it belongs (where his original post was moved).

    I guess receiving annoying telemarketing calls several times a week makes a person a bit jaded ;) .
  • Can people include essentially advertising links as part of their signature?




  • Can image that something like that would happen to me!
    I just hope i learn to control my self, but that has been
    always difficult to me.

    If you can't learn to control tilt, its because you don't understand poker at a fundamental level. Try to read some books and understand where profit comes from at the table.

    Anyway, if you put yourself in a situation where you can bust your entire bankroll after a few bad sessions, you are playing over your head.

    There's also no reason why you would keep your entire bankroll on a pokersite.. Keep it in neteller or somewhere where your compulsive rage can't get to it so easily.
  • Listen tilt happens, i understand that most people on this forum are so fundamently sound that they never tilt, or make bad plays ... i on the other hand go into insane tilt.

    My worst tilt was never as bad as $1400 but pretty close to it, well over $1000. It happens and i'll be honest losing that $1000+ one time really actually helped my game. Now i know i'm going to get tilty, i can usually get away from the table cause i've seen what it does. Doesn't mean i'll stop playing, but usually means i'll just waste my excess agression at a 0.25/0.50 table for a while (where my tilt just looks like everyone else's bad play) ... and then get back to playing in a normal game.

    I think if you play NL, PL etc... a little tilt on occassion can help your game, if you understand that you're treading on thin water.
  • LOL,
    i have the yatta mp3s on my comp its hilarious
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