COPC HU now 2k instead of 5k

Here is the problem I see with lowering HU events below 5k...

LA Bike, 1 of largest player pool areas in North America, well advertised & popular event. 23 ppl at 3k. HU players=more in the pot not less,good enough to put up 2k, good enough for 5k. maybe more locals take shots but a cap 128 at 1800 to pool not near as much as a capped 64 at 5k, top watered down. > 100k 1st, big names ain't coming...
safe_image.php?d=AQDcpnH8eVK_I350&w=90&h=90& 2011 The Big Event - Event 14 - No-Limit Hold'em Heads Up - Poker Tournaments - Results - CardPlayer ‎2011 The Big Event - Event 14 - No-Limit Hold'em Heads Up - Poker tournament results, including winners and their payouts and winnings

RE COPC dropping 5k to 2k.


  • yea that's pretty lame :( is the schedule up yet? I'd really like to get an idea of the dates, I plan on going away in august but I'd like to hit up the COPC again so I wanna figure out if I should go away early or late august
  • The Deerfoot Poker Manager has it on his FB wall and on their page here:
    Poker Room - Deerfoot Inn and Casino | Facebook

    Still not their site yet that I am aware.

    So as a player who does participate in the HU, agree 2k too low? Been trying to start discussion on this topic for awhile, I just think it is an "elite" game and whether it's $500 or $5000, doesn't make it anymore appealing, bigger is better IMO from the events that seem to cap.
  • It's def too low. 2k isn't enough to get a lot of guys to travel across country or to a different country, 5k is, basically.

    Wow I just looked at the schedule and it's pretty disappointing main event and heads up both cut down in buyin, and no 1ks?? They had 3 last year if I remember correctly... might have to rethink going this year :S.
  • Not going to bring many out of towners with this schedule. B/I's simply not big enough. I'm sure fields will decent, but mostly locals. Oh well, easier for me to ship.
  • While the buy in may be too low to attract big names and some from across country, it may still create a big enough prize pool as people like myself, for 2k, might actually take a shot at it, where I wouldn't for 5k. Sats can run cheaper, thereby creating more entries as well. Possibly a larger, softer field, might create more interest?
  • Let me see if you agree this way...You will get a few more well bankrolled players saying, "what the hell, for that price I'll give it a shot", but considering prob 70% of field normaly is from out of town for 5k, IMO it will still take a hit. If you were to pull brackets from previous years, maybe 20 players are from Alberta. By keeping the BI higher, you also ensure some heavy hitters will be looking to play the bigger cash games, also part of the attraction.

    Just to back that up, consider more money changed hands at the $25/50 tables, most of who's players had played the 5k, than the entire rest of the tournament prizepools combined last COPC. These are the guys that also play every event, so losing that 40 or so players affects all prizepools. The travelling players definetlly help stimulate the action and many may pass without larger prizepools.

    I think this will be a decent Alberta series, the multiday smaller buy-in did ok number wise at Chrome Classic, but $550 numbers have been >80 for last few local events. Not having a 1k is strange. Not sure how they are planning to put the word out on this, seeing as how everybody is at WSOP till mid-July and no mag in card rooms for longtime that I have seen.
  • Wow. That is a horrible schedule for those thinking about travelling.
  • Vekked wrote: »
    It's def too low. 2k isn't enough to get a lot of guys to travel across country or to a different country, 5k is, basically.

    Wow I just looked at the schedule and it's pretty disappointing main event and heads up both cut down in buyin, and no 1ks?? They had 3 last year if I remember correctly... might have to rethink going this year :S.

    Do Edmonton last week of July instead? 330/550/1100/330?
  • hmmm I'll check the sched, I might consider that instead since I'm so disappointed by this one, sigh
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