party poker bonus points

can anyone please explain to me. how or what raked days bonus points are. my buddies gets them and i don't and we play the same drives me crazy thanks for any imput


  • Raked Days: A raked day is defined as a day in which you contribute rake greater than $0.

    i believe you get 200 party points if you play 5 days in a week ( from sunday to saturday )
  • Raked months (500points) are when you play 20 days in the month
  • thanks guys
  • crappy merchandise LOL :tongue:
  • I'm eiother saving up for the Suede Jacket (gotta eBay it, I think i could get $50 on it) or hope they offer other merchandise or freeroll entries.
  • Does this apply for the Party skins (Empire, Pokernow) also, or just Party? My buddy got sent a couple books, and a T-shirt from Party for playing, and he's not even sure why... If I'm going to play anyway, I might as well get free swag.
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