New Lake City room in Kelowna, BC

So it seems I found myself stuck in Kelowna overnight last night, and found out that they just recently (monday) opened up a new poker room.

I figured I best check it there at 5pm, found out it is only 5 tables and they don't open until 6 pm, but you can put your name on the list at guest services...

I get my name on the list for 1/2 or 2/5, whichever comes available first as I am number 12 on the wait list already...ffs. I am the only one there!

6 pm rolls around and the room fills up and no one has a clue who is going where, including the pit. 6:30, yep, they get two tables of 1/2 seated and now everyone has to buy chips, because there is no cage..after the dealers run out of chips several times, everyone gets chipped up and the cards fly...

Sitting from the sideline, it is obvious these dealers are new to holdem and the A few discrepancies between "last nights rules" and "tonights rules" are laid out and all is good for go.

Third table of 1/2 opens up at about 6:45 and we go through the process again with chipping up players..rules..etc...7:00 they decide there isn't enough interest of 2/5 and a fourth table gets to sit down..YAY! I get to play!

Chip up with one dealer who seemed to know what he was doing, get the cards ready to fly..and he is changed out with a very new dealer.

These new dealers are to be expected in a town with no poker room, and kudos to the casino for finally getting some tables..but still..train these guys..sheesh. Anyway...

Think I finally got cards about 7:30 and we are under way!

For the first hour or so listened to one guy talk about playing all these tournaments on pokerstars, and how the site is rigged to give the best possible river card to the player that spends the most money..*where is my tinfoil?* This is followed by 3 "for sure's" at the table... Then the same player proceeds to bitch about the first tournament they are hosting at the casino being on Sunday when all the good tournaments are on Pokerstars...

Ok..let me get this think the site is rigged against you, but you still play anyway??

I finally had enough and flatly asked him why he still played if he felt it was rigged against him...his reply was that it wasn't always rigged, only sometimes..maybe... (really, he added the "maybe")

lol oh boy.

Typical live poker action...limp, limp, limp, call call. blah blah..standard opening raise seemed to be about 7-12 bucks...the odd 16 bucker thrown in for good measure. OH yeah, 1/2 is a 50-300 buy-in, and 2/5 is 100-500max.

The new tables are nice, but not for long, as they don't have drink all the drinks are on the tables..seems they got a new shipment of lake city chips in, so they are fresh.

Notable hands...

flopped the nuts on an A23j8 board after raising utg...and when I value bet 50 on the river into a 150ish pot the lady just said "I knew you had junk and hit but I wasn't paying more" showing K8o (and calling 3 Come on was 45s...that's the nuts around here..

(750 stack) AA utg, raised to my standard 12, 3 callers, A95 all spade flop...led out with 40, and one stayed for the ride (he had donked his way into a 600ish stack with one big hand)..(of course you have the spade)..Turn was the 7s...(great...). *Yep..he's excited...stop fidgeting buddy*....let's try a blocker bet of 45 bucks to see a cheap card? Yep..flat calls the 45 and boom, money card on the river..5c. I lead out with a 50 buck bet, looking to see if he will raise me as he is really insta raises me to 100, but looking like he was gonna shove his whole stack I hesitate for a bit and then quickly state all in, while looking at him, and I am not sure I got out the word "in" before he *yelled* call and pretty much sent his chips across the table trying to get them in the He turned over the Ks and 3h for the nut

Mr tinfoil hat guy, who bought in for 50 at the beginning was pretty funny..he sat there for 2 hours playing only big pairs..every time he got one, he would raise 25 bucks by throwing them out in a big showtime fashion, then lean waaay back in his chair without a care in the world...then snap to attention when the dealer put out the flop..and shove his other He was up and down a few bigs the whole night, finally doubling up after buddy flopped and oesfd on him and

I was running pretty good until about midnight when I went card dead...only got into one other pot to speak of...raised out of mp with Ah5h, one caller...a young lady who had only been at the table about an hour, super nitty so far, and I overheard her talking about not losing her stack tonight like she did the other her bf was mad at her..etc..

So the flop comes out with 4h 5c Qh...I check to her and she bets out 21 with 100 behind...I raise to 121 pretty sure she is too scared to continue.. after a few minutes of "I really need to go with my gut here" she folds, showing AQ..and being the nice guy I am I told her it was a good fold to my set of 5' "I knew it..I just knew it!" she claims...

Yeah...time for me to They shut down at 2 am, and it's past 1, there will be a nonsense rush to the cashier...went home with 1030.00 extra in my pocket.


  • hopefully the get their shit together
  • darbday wrote: »
    hopefully the get their shit together

    I think they will, just need a bit of time...but I hope they think on expanding the room..and their hours.
  • I went there on Friday at 2:20, they open at 2:00 on Fridays. There was already 3 tables full of $1-$2. If it stays this busy I can see them expanding their hours.
  • Nice win.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    So it seems I found myself stuck in Kelowna overnight last night, and found out that they just recently (monday) opened up a new poker room.

    I figured I best check it there at 5pm, found out it is only 5 tables and they don't open until 6 pm, but you can put your name on the list at guest services...

    I get my name on the list for 1/2 or 2/5, whichever comes available first as I am number 12 on the wait list already...ffs. I am the only one there!

    6 pm rolls around and the room fills up and no one has a clue who is going where, including the pit. 6:30, yep, they get two tables of 1/2 seated and now everyone has to buy chips, because there is no cage..after the dealers run out of chips several times, everyone gets chipped up and the cards fly...

    Sitting from the sideline, it is obvious these dealers are new to holdem and the A few discrepancies between "last nights rules" and "tonights rules" are laid out and all is good for go.

    Third table of 1/2 opens up at about 6:45 and we go through the process again with chipping up players..rules..etc...7:00 they decide there isn't enough interest of 2/5 and a fourth table gets to sit down..YAY! I get to play!

    Chip up with one dealer who seemed to know what he was doing, get the cards ready to fly..and he is changed out with a very new dealer.

    These new dealers are to be expected in a town with no poker room, and kudos to the casino for finally getting some tables..but still..train these guys..sheesh. Anyway...

    Think I finally got cards about 7:30 and we are under way!

    For the first hour or so listened to one guy talk about playing all these tournaments on pokerstars, and how the site is rigged to give the best possible river card to the player that spends the most money..*where is my tinfoil?* This is followed by 3 "for sure's" at the table... Then the same player proceeds to bitch about the first tournament they are hosting at the casino being on Sunday when all the good tournaments are on Pokerstars...

    Ok..let me get this think the site is rigged against you, but you still play anyway??

    I finally had enough and flatly asked him why he still played if he felt it was rigged against him...his reply was that it wasn't always rigged, only sometimes..maybe... (really, he added the "maybe")

    lol oh boy.

    Typical live poker action...limp, limp, limp, call call. blah blah..standard opening raise seemed to be about 7-12 bucks...the odd 16 bucker thrown in for good measure. OH yeah, 1/2 is a 50-300 buy-in, and 2/5 is 100-500max.

    The new tables are nice, but not for long, as they don't have drink all the drinks are on the tables..seems they got a new shipment of lake city chips in, so they are fresh.

    Notable hands...

    flopped the nuts on an A23j8 board after raising utg...and when I value bet 50 on the river into a 150ish pot the lady just said "I knew you had junk and hit but I wasn't paying more" showing K8o (and calling 3 Come on was 45s...that's the nuts around here..

    (750 stack) AA utg, raised to my standard 12, 3 callers, A95 all spade flop...led out with 40, and one stayed for the ride (he had donked his way into a 600ish stack with one big hand)..(of course you have the spade)..Turn was the 7s...(great...). *Yep..he's excited...stop fidgeting buddy*....let's try a blocker bet of 45 bucks to see a cheap card? Yep..flat calls the 45 and boom, money card on the river..5c. I lead out with a 50 buck bet, looking to see if he will raise me as he is really insta raises me to 100, but looking like he was gonna shove his whole stack I hesitate for a bit and then quickly state all in, while looking at him, and I am not sure I got out the word "in" before he *yelled* call and pretty much sent his chips across the table trying to get them in the He turned over the Ks and 3h for the nut

    Mr tinfoil hat guy, who bought in for 50 at the beginning was pretty funny..he sat there for 2 hours playing only big pairs..every time he got one, he would raise 25 bucks by throwing them out in a big showtime fashion, then lean waaay back in his chair without a care in the world...then snap to attention when the dealer put out the flop..and shove his other He was up and down a few bigs the whole night, finally doubling up after buddy flopped and oesfd on him and

    I was running pretty good until about midnight when I went card dead...only got into one other pot to speak of...raised out of mp with Ah5h, one caller...a young lady who had only been at the table about an hour, super nitty so far, and I overheard her talking about not losing her stack tonight like she did the other her bf was mad at her..etc..

    So the flop comes out with 4h 5c Qh...I check to her and she bets out 21 with 100 behind...I raise to 121 pretty sure she is too scared to continue.. after a few minutes of "I really need to go with my gut here" she folds, showing AQ..and being the nice guy I am I told her it was a good fold to my set of 5' "I knew it..I just knew it!" she claims...

    Yeah...time for me to They shut down at 2 am, and it's past 1, there will be a nonsense rush to the cashier...went home with 1030.00 extra in my pocket.

    I don't understand your aces hand maybe im missing something.

    Also 50 buck buy in?
    Also P.S Big Slick is gone now :P
  • Macke wrote: »
    I don't understand your aces hand maybe im missing something.

    Also 50 buck buy in?
    Also P.S Big Slick is gone now :P

    Website may be down but don't think the league is gone is it? I know they just had their finals here in Ontario this past weekend I think..
  • Nope it's gone.. the name anyway everything has been moved over to "play nation"

    Parent company which owned big slick is broke and wasn't paying up prizes.
  • Macke wrote: »
    Nope it's gone.. the name anyway everything has been moved over to "play nation"

    Parent company which owned big slick is broke and wasn't paying up prizes.

    Complete BS.

    Ontario and Alberta have moved to Playnation, yes...they were offered a deal to buy out Big Slick in Ab and Ont. and decided not to, and just opened a new company...and took over the locations.
    We took our (BSPT) site down yesterday to do maintenance (under construction sign will be up later today) as we are announcing our new sponsors and direction.
    Good things to come for Big Slick in BC.

    On another note, ALL prizing to date has been paid for (or are waiting to play tournies) in BC. (Alberta and ontario are on their own with taking care of prizing).
  • Macke wrote: »
    I don't understand your aces hand maybe im missing something.

    Also 50 buck buy in?
    Also P.S Big Slick is gone now :P

    Not sure what you are missing with the aces??

    Big Slick is not gone. Trust me. lol
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