When animals attack....

Earlier this evening, while enjoying a cup of coffee after dinner, I hear this noise outside my front door and the jingle of a collar and the scared meow of my cat Arnold, who was in my yard...

I jump up and look outside in time to see that my cat was in the mouth of a Greyhound dog!!! I ran out yelling and in the span of a few seconds, the dog had dropped my cat and buggered off...meanwhile Arnold made it about 25 feet up a tree. Not knowing how bad he was possibly hurt, I got the ladder out and helped him down. There are no puncture wounds that I could see, and no blood anywhere, though there were large chunks of fur that came out of his back leg areas on either side. He didn't meow at me when I put pressure on his ribs, but did when putting a bit of pressure on his hip/hind leg area. It was just like a don't touch me there meow, he didn't growl, hiss or try to get away.

I got him in the house and gave him some soft cat food which he ate and I took as a good sign, then he went and hid under the bed...something he never ever does. I gave him some time to hide, then was able to get him out from under the bed.

We usually go for a walk around the beach every night and I managed to get him to kind of go for a walk, but it was obvious he was hurt (or just sore I am hoping). At first he walked really slowly but as we walked he got back to his regularish gait but not up to his usual which would be to let me get ahead then he would zoom past me running and wait to do it again. We usually walk about a kilometer but tonight he only made it 1/4 of the distance. Perhaps he was just sore and nervous?

The bylaw here is that all dogs are to be on a leash, and obviously this one wasn't. I am curious what to do now. How concerned should I be? Should I take him to the vet tomorrow or give him a couple of days and see if he gets back to himself? He is still outside right now which I also take as a good sign; usually he is gone all night hunting and I wake up to presents (birds and voles etc) on my step in the morning.

The dog owner is my neighbours son, who just came out to visit today, but 2 years ago, my neighbours dog, also a greyhound, got a hold of my aunt's cat and broke his ribs :( I am very upset, more than just for my cat.....there are children out here!!! What would you do??



  • Absolutely 100%, without question go over and speak to both your neighbour and his son about what happened. You certainly don't have to, but I'd try and be diplomatic at this point and explain to them that you love your cat as much as they love their dog and you don't want any harm to come to either of them.

    Everything my dog's do (and I mean everything) when we are out in public is my responsibility. Thus regardless of bylaws, one should always have them under control. 100% control. Their lives are at stake one way or the other.

    Keeping good neighbourly relations is important, however if they don't get this message.... The kid gloves come off. No second chances.

    As far as the cat goes, I'd see how he's doing today. If you are still concerned I'd take him in for a checkup. Could be he's just a little sore and 'shocky' from the event.

    I'd take this pretty seriously though Shar. When I read the part about the cat being in the dogs mouth I was sure the story was going south real quick. I would say you are incredibly lucky. Either of my dogs would have killed your cat in about 1 second if they actually had it in their teeth. A quick shake and it would be over. I've seen it happen with squirrels. Shake, drop, sniff, poke at it a bit, move on..

    Anyhoo, that's my two cents.
  • Sheesh Leia they were just playin...

    but for realz if your cat is eating and came out from hiding i wouldn't think twice about it. When they are sick eating stops and they go hide to die (even if they are just sick or hurt its still the instinct....but its not the same as just hiding under the bed...

    wow you were gonna beat up a greyhound....
  • Hey, I was gonna beat up a Jack Russel when it got loose and started attacking my male! My dog was on a leash and was very interested in defending himself, thus I was somewhat hampered. Thankfully booting the thing away until some guy came up and grabbed it was enough. I didn't want my dog to kill this thing, but on top of that little dogs (even Chihuahua's) can still leave puncture wounds that lead to infection.

    I'm just thinking a vet visit might be in order as Shar mentioned large chunks of fur coming off the cats hip or leg area. Better to find out now if there's damage of any sort and begin addressing it.

    You're right about the hiding thing though Darb. If the cat's out and about, any damage that may have happened is likely minimal, but still worth checking out. Either way, I'd send the dog owner the bill for the visit and you get a free checkup!
  • I had an outdoor cat for almost 20 years (the last 5 he stayed in most of the time), he'd come home banged up, once his one of his ears was hanging by a thread, another a big chunk missing from his cheek. Everytime, my Mom would put him back together, and out he'd go again.

    Its one of the hazzards of having an outdoor car, you never know what they are going to get into or run into.

    If the dog was in your yard, then that's as issue you need to talk about with your neighbour. If your car wandered into their yard, and the dog chased it into your yard, different situation.

    It sounds like you cat will be ok but as mentioned earlier, it couldn't hurt to have a vet check up.
  • Definitely what Bill said. Get it checked out. Never know if there's internal injuries.

    Also, dj, I too hate it when my outdoor car wanders off. Damned Chevy Blazers! Always trying to stir up trouble! I much prefer my indoor Smart Car. It just motors around the living room until it tires itself out and then it sleeps in the bathroom sink. :D
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Definitely what Bill said. Get it checked out. Never know if there's internal injuries.

    Also, dj, I too hate it when my outdoor car wanders off. Damned Chevy Blazers! Always trying to stir up trouble! I much prefer my indoor Smart Car. It just motors around the living room until it tires itself out and then it sleeps in the bathroom sink. :D

    Oh you are funny :) One little typo....
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Oh you are funny :) One little typo....

    Actually it was two little typos.:)
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Actually it was two little typos.:)[/QUOTE

    I have big fingers and the "t" is rite nex 2 da "r"
  • Get the cat checked out. It's worth the money to know he's OK.

    The dog owner needs a kick in the ass. Why is that dog not on a leash? There's no way a human could catch a greyhound running at full speed. They are usually very gentle dogs but they are breed to CHASE SMALL ANIMALS! Of course he went after a cat!

    Let's hope it was an honest mistake and the owner now knows that his dog cannot be trusted and will bolt given the opportunity.
  • Get the furr ball checked, if only for your peace of mind. Talk to the owners of the dog, and keep the words "fair and firm" in mind. An "honest" mistake is not allowed to happen twice.
  • Thanks everyone. The indoor car comment made me laugh so much, that was awesome :P

    I was on the phone to my vet and told her everything. She said that if he is eating and doing his normal routine its a very good thing. I will ofcourse be taking him in for a checkup but she agreed that it didn't sound like it was necessary to take him right away, that I should just keep an eye on him for a few days unless I noticed something that really concerned me.

    As of yesterday:

    I got him home in the morning, and he ate a bit and then spent the day asleep on my bed. He would purr and stretch when I pet him, and he was sleeping in his regular position all stretched out on his back, which made me very happy!! He ate hard and soft food and wanted back outside during the evening. YAY.

    I went over to talk to my neighbours son just to let him know all seemed well but Arnold would infact be going into the vet for a checkup. I will just take the vet bill over to his Dad after we go, but for the 45 bucks I am not too worried. When I went over, it became apparant his dad did not even know the events that had happened. He was quite upset that his son had not listened to him when he said the dog had to be tied up or on a leash, and very appologetic. He was also glad it sounded like things were going to be ok.

    As Bill said, I know Arnold is lucky, and I am so happy that things did not go the way I thought they were going to when I saw this happen. Arnold is young and healthy and will bounce back though he may be a bit more wary of things for a while. It will be interesting to see how he is when my aunt and cousins get out here with their golden lab.

    I really appreciate the feedback guys, and I am feeling much better today than the last couple. It takes a lot to piss me off...but this definately did.

  • My big PurrBall!!
  • I never trust orange cats. There's always something evil about them. Generally in a good way.

    Cute cat.
  • I never trust orange cats. There's always something evil about them. Generally in a good way.

    Cute cat.

    They're only evil if your name is Odie or Nermal :D
  • I never trust orange cats. There's always something evil about them. Generally in a good way.

    Cute cat.

    Truesay. We had one, and he was nuts.
  • I never trust orange cats. There's always something evil about them. Generally in a good way.
    are you sure we want to take this thread down this road though?
  • What is all this Ginger-bashing. Careful, or I will bring Chester to the Royal to cough hairballs on ALL of you . . . except Shar, of course. Shar he would curl up beside, and start purring as if to say . . . "well, what about it hot stuff?"

    Chester and Arnold could be brothers from a different Mother, based on those pictures.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Truesay. We had one, and he was nuts.

    And I am suuuuure this had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that YOU were its owner!

    Nuts begets Nuts IMO!!! ;)
  • Went and took scrapbook pics at lunch...

    Here is one of Nero....Chest high on me when he stands (but several of you know how short I am lol )
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