Used cards at Brantford

Hi all, does anyone know how much Brantford charges for their used decks of cards available at the customer service desk ??



  • Usually they are a buck or two for the paper cards. Not sure if they ever sell the Kems . . .
  • Buy these. Cheaper and new. or similar from the same seller...

    1 Dozen NEW Bee Red Playing Cards - The Club Casino | eBay

    I'm getting some stuff from the chiproom as soon as the lockout ends and can get them put in the same shipment. LMK.
  • Hey Moose, this would be great, I would actually need about 18 packs, do you think he has more than one dozen of the same card?
    moose wrote: »
    Buy these. Cheaper and new. or similar from the same seller...

    1 Dozen NEW Bee Red Playing Cards - The Club Casino | eBay

    I'm getting some stuff from the chiproom as soon as the lockout ends and can get them put in the same shipment. LMK.
  • Yeah I could ask him for 18. What colour and casino do you want?
  • 18 or 2 dozen is great. Preferably blue but red is fine if he doesn't have blue. I'm not sure what casino options he has but if you want to pick thats great.

    Thanks moose
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