Table Selection Online

Curious to know what you look for when selecting a table. Do you like wild tables with a lot of preflop raising and huge pots that have average pot size greater then 10 BB or do you prefer something a little less crazy. What criteria do you use, follow known "action players" ;) or do you just sit down wherever and go for it (getting a feel for the game as you go). Any difference when your grinding out bonuses? Do you rely on Poketracker to monitor tables before joining (Partypoker only for that one I guess).


  • That's funny, I was thinking about posting the same subect just the other day. Personally I look for tables with a high flop percentage, but a smaller pot. This to me means a loose, passive table. I don't like the swings involved in playing a table full of maniacs. If a couple tables are similar in the above stats, I will look for the one with more short stacks, as these people are usually taking more risks trying to get their money back (tilting).

    I'd be interested to hear what other people say on this...
  • i should look more at this stuff

    lately ive just been taking whatever is available (ive been playing on the crypto sites, and theres always a bit of a wait for the $1/2 limitHE tables)
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