GG Bruins

Disappointed again.

Happy to see Kaberle get a ring though.
Pool will be paid out tomorrow on Stars. Congrads Moose.


  • The bruins win the cup the bruins win the cup the bruins win the cup
  • I'm just going to repost my FB post.

    3 things for Canucks fans:
    1 - be classy. The Bruins were the better team. Not just tonight, but all series. Tip your hat to them. They earned it.
    2 - don't throw Luongo under the bus. If it weren't for those two 1-0 shut outs, we'd have been out in 5. He could have done better tonight, but he gave us everything he had.
    3 - Please, for the love of God, someone get the eyesight checked of the ref in the Bruins end during the 2nd. Brutal buttend by Thomas and obvious interference by Chara that both went uncalled. Just brutal. Would it have changed the game? No. But that's no excuse to do your job poorly. Both replays show the ref looking dead on at each play and he never flinched. Just sad.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    3 things for Canucks fans:
    1 - be classy.
    Raging Canucks fans start riot downtown

  • Not my fault. They're not on my facebook :)

    Seriously though, not too surprised. They did worse in 94 if I remember correctly.
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