Online instruction...

I am wondering if anyone has tried any of the many online poker schools.

If so post your thoughts here. What I have seen is that they are all about $30 a month.

Is it worth it? Has your online, live or both games improved? Have you tried more than one site?
Post your thoughts here so we all can benefit.



  • Tournament Strategy | Poker Strategy | Poker Training | Poker Training Videos | Poker Podcasts |

    This is the only one I used and it was very benifitial to me. Watching some of the videos they post helped me improve my middle and late game in tournaments. This is only for Mtts though, which is perfect for me because its all I play anyways.
  • any favorite video-makers BTP?
  • bigdogpckt5s for sure, his style works very well with mine. Wont be the same for everyone, each of them have different styles which is also very helpful. Helps you see what other people are thinking when they play a hand a way that you wouldnt. Found it very insightful and improved my play a lot.
  • bigdogpckt5s for sure, his style works very well with mine. Wont be the same for everyone, each of them have different styles which is also very helpful. Helps you see what other people are thinking when they play a hand a way that you wouldnt. Found it very insightful and improved my play a lot.

    This is a good point. Ive been with TPE for about a year now and cant make sense or pickup bigdogs strat. It just doesnt click.

    However, HTP was verrry informative for my game.

    Thats the thing about online training sites. You really have to investigate the roster before signing up and know a little bit of the instructors styles and how they can benefit/enhance yours.
  • Tournament Strategy | Poker Strategy | Poker Training | Poker Training Videos | Poker Podcasts |

    This is the only one I used and it was very benifitial to me. Watching some of the videos they post helped me improve my middle and late game in tournaments. This is only for Mtts though, which is perfect for me because its all I play anyways.

    Do you get a cut of the membership fees derived after this post? ;) I know of one membership for
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Ive been with TPE for about a year now
    Would you agree with betrthanphil that TPE is the best tournament training site including Pokerpwnage? I've seen many of the tournament videos at DragTheBar and DeucesCracked, and personally, the monthly fees were not good value compared to other learning resources for me.
  • I tend to get my online info from poker magazines like PokerPlayer. Learned a lot from that.
  • I used to sub to pp. Really liked it, since you could download the vids. Still got my HD loaded with rdcrsn vids and that...Dumped the membership when I thought I was a cash game king :o

    I watched a few sample vids at TPE. They seem good, but nothing all that spectacular compared to the other sites (for part one of them anyways). However, BD55s is hilarious in the one "stick it to him" vid. The thing I like is that it's affordable and no signup fee.... Might try it out for a month since they have a pretty good lineup of pros.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Do you get a cut of the membership fees derived after this post? ;) I know of one membership for
    I like World Class Poker---T J Cloutier from Masque Games.If I can ever play MTT as well as TJ did I'll be very happy.
  • Elapidae wrote: »
    I like World Class Poker---T J Cloutier from Masque Games.If I can ever play MTT as well as TJ did I'll be very happy.

    I have seen TJ's stuff on Deepstacks...not a fan.
  • ******* has a nice community. Its easily the biggest and best. Unfortunately not to popular out of europe. Started poker with em now livin the dream
  • ******** has a nice community. Its easily the biggest and best. Unfortunately not to popular out of europe. Started poker with em now livin the dream

    And who might you be?
  • myself.... I randomly registered a week ago
  • ************* is really an affiliate rather than a poker school. It makes money from having newbies sign up through its links, although it does offer rakeback on some sites and provides $50 starting capital on a few sites. The training arm teaches a very nitty style of poker and (somewhat misleadingly) claims that the nitty style is the only way to win. The site's main advantage is that it costs nothing to be a member, although most of the instructional material is restricted to members who earn affiliate fees for it.\

    EDIT: I mean the site that sickestlucker was referring to, although apparently I'm not allowed to refer to it. :)
  • No its an affiliate and a poker school. So your kinda right there. Except your completely wrong about the nitty style. You might be thinking of the short stack strategy which they popularized years ago which everyone obviously hated as thousands of poor eastern europeans nitted up the tables. Thankfully all sites killed the 20 bb minimum buyin. Obviously they teach new players to be tight how else do beginners win. But its not just for beginners they have videos for all stakes and great coaches (many monkey style :D) they just signed that south american kid everyones been talking about.

    Mods probably think I work for them since I just joined the forum and it was my first or second post cant really blame them there. They just made me rich and felt like giving them a shoutout I wont mention them again :/
  • Of course you work for them! Like it isn't totally obvious.
  • They just made me rich

    And you are?
  • They just made me rich
    Hobbes wrote: »
    And you are?
    And are you Betrthanphil's alter ego?
  • compuease wrote: »
    And are you Betrthanphil's alter ego?

    in a way I saw someone from north bay almost shipped the sunday mil so I goggled his stars id and it brought me here
  • in a way I saw someone from north bay almost shipped the sunday mil so I goggled his stars id and it brought me here

    Actually it was 2nd in the Sunday warmup back in the middle of June.
  • Anyone have an opinion on DTB? I tried a promotional free membership through Party Poker and enjoyed the forum but wasn't thrilled with the videos. They DO have a very nice forum sticky post on comfort level and how to calculate your own BR for optimal BRM. So just wondering who here likes or hates them.
  • I like DragTheBar's tournament videos better than DeucesCracked. I also have a free monthly membership, but haven't used it much lately.
    Maybe I should hire a coach instead such as Vekked! :D
    Anyone have an opinion on DTB?
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