Douchebag of the year award goes to ...

the villain in this hand. TD gets honourable mention.

Jacky Wang ripped off in FTP 500!



  • lol, how the fuck does that even happen if it's black on white in the rules. Blame falls entirely on the incompetence of the TD. Tournament officials breaking their own rules, that's beyond bad manners that sounds pretty illegal. Wonder if a law suit would be in order
  • That's absolutely ridiculous
  • Ah damn, I started writing an acceptance speech when I saw the title.
  • Ah damn, I started writing an acceptance speech when I saw the title.

    There are no awards for bitter Habs fans ;)
  • Ah damn, I started writing an acceptance speech when I saw the title.

    Maybe next year . . . you should (almost) be as used to that phrase as a Leafs fan.
  • No stabbing in the parking lot? Or did they hide the body somewhere?
  • I for one would like to congratulate 13Cards for being selected to bring his style of TD'ing to a prestigious tournament.

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