Red Shores Casino-Trip Report

After nagging my wife's cousin all week to get to the casino, we finally got there on Thursday afternoon. I've been there before for supper, but I didn't get into the actual casino until now.

It's actually a RASINO (racetrack and casino) They only offer 3 types of gambling. Horse racing, slots, and poker. It's quite small, just one level of slot machines, bar area, and the poker room. The poker room is actually pretty nice. They have 12 tables in a sectioned off area of the floor. The tables/chairs are still in good condition and they use KEM Paisleys at the table. The chips are fairly cheap plastic with a metal insert, but I wasn't expecting Paulson Noirs either.

When we arrived there was 4 guys and a dealer sitting around 1 poker table, clearly waiting for a few more players. I ask what the game was being spread and was told 1/2 NL. We sit down and we're off.

The first bad omen happened when I flopped down $200 in twenties and the dealer handed me $100 in chips. I politely point out her mistake and the others at the table back me up. She says 'You did? Oh sorry' and flips me a Hundo. Good luck trying that in Vegas!

I was warned that the afternoon grinders had some tricks up their sleeves, and I witnessed proof a few hands in. Player in the cutoff raises to the standard $9 (preflop!) and is called by the SB. I fold my J2o in the BB. The flop comes J94. BB checks, the CO bets $15, BB raises to $35, CO flats. Turn comes 2d. Check-check. The river is 6d. The BB bets $30 and gets min raised. He flats and shows KJ. The CO raiser tables 53o for the nut straight! WTF!? I know I'm going to kill this game or get raped trying.

I got raped.

We're about 45 minutes into the session. I lose a few small pots playing lose, trying to get a made hand to pay off. I'm hitting air, just missing every flop by miles. The player to my right (who lost the big pot to 5-3) is raising EVERY hand like a maniac. He's a younger guy and I figure he's tilting after that losing that hand. He raises to $12 pre flop after one limper. I finally look down at AQ. I pop to $30. The limper folds and I get raised to $60. FACK. He is playing uber aggressive and thought was was pushing me around. I jam for $140 and he snaps. I know I'm fucked and he tables AA.

I tell him NH and rebuy for a $100 as an older couple sits down. I pick up QQ in late position and win my first hand of $3. Woopie!

Later after a few more post flop misses, I down to $70ish and raise to $9 with 77. I get 2 callers and flops come Jack high, with 2 clubs. It's checked to me and I go with my read I'm still ahead. I jam. The older guy takes a peek at his cards and says OK I call. I'm thinking AK. The other players puts his head on the table and cryingly calls. I know it's a flush draw. Turn is K of clubs. Basically the worst card in the deck. They go at it, getting all the chips in, and I'm proved EXACTLY RIGHT with my read. The winner with the flush tells me he only called because he was given the odds by the 1st caller. I tell him NH and I leave the table to buy a beer and cool off. My cousin loses a big hand with the older guy also by bad beat, but still cashes out up $20.

I know I misplayed the AQ hand. His min raise was an obvious tell. But the 77 hand I think I played well (based on my reads), but just got super-coolered. That's life Prince Edward Island I guess.
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