T8 Vegas TR - Part 1, The Arrival

Anyone following on twitter (@T8urmoney) might be aware of how this went...but here's a recap:

Left Wednesday afternoon May 25th driving down from Edmonton with the GF. Took 22 hours...rained most of the way....like I was dealt 6 10 os for the drive down....w/e, I made it work.

May 26th:

-Arrive in Vegas about noon....get to Bally's checkin....beat: room not ready, come back at 4pm
-Drop my first money in Vegas in the Stars Wars Machine, $20, but got 2 beers, so not all bad
-After checking in, decide against a much needed nap, and head to the Bally's poker room
-B/I $280, cash out $0......after all of an hour
-Decide to try the evening $75 tourney......brutal structure...5K chips and doubling blinds starting at 100/200 every 20 min...busted early Ah10h < AsQd after AcJh3h flop

May 27th:

-Played 9-ball singles pool tourney......didn't go well
-Decided to late register for Day 1a of the Venetian $340.....557 runners, finished about 180th, with 54 getting the dough.
-Interesting hand:
--hero (17k)in MP with JJ, have a little above avg stack, small blinds still....raise pre for the 3rd consecutive hand
--Villain (30k) in SB (very LAG, had built a big stack early)....3 bets to 3K
--hero smooth calls to see flop in position (thought about 4 bet here, but chose to call)
--Flop is K 2 6 rainbow....Villain bets out a small 3.5K bet
--I believe I have the best hand here....so I decide to slow play, as he has shown tendencies to barrel....I smooth call leaving about 11K back
--Turn is another low card....possible small straight, and puts a flush draw out there.....Villain bets out 10K (obv committing him).....I shove...he grimaces having to call 1k more and shows 88...river brick
-went back to Ballys and dropped another $300 playing $1-2 NLHE

May 28th:

-Playing 8-ball singles in the morning.....did a little better here, but didn't make the money...played an Aussie who was telling me about losing his wallet to a hooker in his hotel room.......nice
-Hit up the 7pm daily at Venetian for $120...busted first hand with AA, when 66 calls a big 3-bet pre....didn't know they changed and you can re-enter these
-Played $1-2 PLO at Venetian, while registering for a STT satty for the $550 tournies....lost $35 when I was called to the STT
-Won the STT, and chopped a LL in which 1 guy didn't participate, and he finished 3rd..lol
-Back to $1-2 PLO.....got it in after the flop with an aggro guy with Q983rb on a 9s2s3h flop....we ran turn and river twice...I managed to hold both times? Spade hit first one, A hits second one??...didn't see his hand, must have had dry KK
-Got moved to the main...played and met asxn557 from the Forum
-Lose tree fiddy on this session
-Interesting hand:
--I'm in EP with Ac10d10h6c...play it 5 handed....pot $110 or so...flop Jc10c5h
--I decide the flop is so good, I'm check potting....but noone bets (oops)
--Turn 8d...a shit card...I check (hoping for a cheap river)..
--one guy bets something, button pots, worked out to $280 or so....
--I've only got $500 in front of me.....but a shit load of outs.....so I call, original bettor folds....river bricks, and I check fold

Kick in the nuts: GF plays the same 7pm tourney, and final tables for $350


  • Followed the entire trip via twitter....save run good for ME :)
  • Always fun to meet the members here. Remember to T8TheirMoney!! Best of luck.

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