Got permission to take my work BB to Vegas...

At work, they have been clamping down on Blackberry/general cell usage expenses, so last year they banned taking your work BB to the US when on a personal vacations or training/conferences.

However, I was able to convince my SVP that I needed it to stay in touch with the team as we work through a critical project (haha). So, they hooked me up with a US data coverage plan for the month... For $10, I have all roaming fees covered and I only pay $1/MB of data usage. I did not bother with a cellular/talk plan as I will probably only make one phone call during the 8 day trip.

So, if I use say 10MB for checking tweeting on my tourneys, checking out CPF, facebook and sending some actual emails, I only have to pay them $20 ($10 fee + $10 usage).... Not bad, and I was told that if your bill is under $30, they won't even ask for the money back.

Is this a good deal? I know last time I went to New York City, I racked up over $220 in roaming/data usage, which the company covered for me. So, I wanted to make sure that I did not have any unexpected bills when I returned from this trip.

Plus, I don't have to bring my laptop now, as I can use the Blackberry for updates. I was pretty pleased to get this approved. :)


  • However, I was able to convince my SVP that I needed it to stay in touch with the team as we work through a critical project (haha)

    Nice bluff!

    Well done and good luck, sir!
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